
Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Yankee Jim Kills Wife And Then Self

Jim Leshkevich a white supremacist who went by the name "Yankee Jim", shot his wife Deberah Leskhevich, an employee of the Onteora school district, and then hung himself after finding out his wife was having an affair.

State police at the Ulster barracks said they went to 213 Morgan Hill Road at 11 a.m. after co-worker's of Deborah Leshkevich voiced concern about her well-being. Police said that, once inside the house, they found Mrs. Leshkevich, 55, dead in a bedroom and the body of her husband James, 52, in an attached garage.

Jim Leshkevich was one of the organizers of a rally in Kingston last year headed by Hal Turner.

Last night, Leshkevich left a rambling post on his blog about his wife's affair (, in the post he wrote, "This will also be the last post on The Hudson Valley Freeman for a while. I'm just too depressed over all this to continue. Hopefully that'll change in the future.Why the fuck did it have to end like this?!!!"

The blog post also goes into great details and names's intresting to see how this guys mind works. Sourses say that Mrs. Leshkevich was in the process of getting a divorce. The situation is very tragic.


  1. Anonymous7:43 PM

    No surprise there. As if no one could see that coming a mile away.

  2. Anonymous9:14 PM

    Jeremy - I think he offed himself because he was depressed about your blog being way more popular than his! He hardly had any comments because no one read or cared about what he had to say. What a loser!

  3. Anonymous10:16 PM

    Did he use the Hal Turner brand noose to hang himself?

  4. Anonymous10:34 PM

    sad story for everyone involved. But I have a question.
    Is your mayor going to paint both sets of lines green on the road in front of the Gov Clinton for St patricks day?

  5. Anonymous6:11 AM

    Crude folks. Very crude.

    Whatever else this was, this was a tragic domestic violence scenerio in the end - two lives have been lost - and one can only hope there were no children (who would quite likely be traumatized for life) in the piture.

    I was not a Yankee Jim fan. I did not know him or his wife. But I do "suspect" they were both human beings and that they had, in their way, been crying out for help for some time.

    My sympathy to their loved ones.

  6. I just heard this on WAMC. Regardless of your opinion of Mr. Leshkevich, this is a tragedy. It's no secret that he had some serious emotional issues and this really highlights the lack of support that we provide in our communities. It has always been fairly obvious that Deborah was in a dangerous situation -- an intervention may have saved two lives.

  7. Anonymous6:01 PM

    It's outrageous that the Daily Freeman printed the salacious rantings of this man when the woman he's accused cannot defend herself! SHE is DEAD.

    What a journalistic gem we have here in Ulster County. Someone call the Columbia Journalism Review!

  8. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Deb was a nice lady who worked and volunteered in our community. She didn't deserve this. Jim obviously had many emotional issues. He obviously planned on smearing her good name and taking her life so he became the victim.
    My prayers are with her family and friends.

  9. Anonymous10:15 PM

    People yelling about the Freeman printing his blog are way out of line. These are his thoughts and words prior to killing his wife and himeself. As bad as they may be, they certainly give us insight into what was going on in his head and the motive for doing what he did...whether he was right or not is irrelevant. It tells us why he did it and it was published by him. You might not like it, but IT IS NEWS and should of been printed.

  10. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Why is it folks are ranting about the printing of the "salacious material" by the Freeman here, and say nothing about the fact that the Freeman deliberately avoids printing much truth and what is news ordinarily because it hides behind the apron strings of those in power here and thinks the first amendment is something for the NY Times only? This could be a barometer of WHY things are so far out of whack in this community...

  11. Anonymous9:45 PM

    You gotta see that!


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