
Friday, March 14, 2008

Barack Obama's Pastor : "God Damn America"

Barack Obama has been a member of this church for 20 years


  1. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Tough nugget. And I'm an Obama supporter...

    But then again, we've seen a lot of radical stuff from the far right, as well, not the least of which has been Rev. Pat Robertson...

    Which just goes to show ya, that "separation of church and state" is a GOOD idea for a multitude of reasons!

    I'm saddened to see this, or anything that seems to lead towards the possible incitation of violence - more of which we definitely DO NOT NEED.

    However, this still does not mean Obama is a radical. I watched some of the speakers at the Harlem Book Fair (I think that was what it was called) - and there is a whole range of thought and wisdom in the African American community - just as there is in the community at large.

    Tough nugget. Yeah. I don't see this as a good thing...

    But then again, I want our troops home, as well... And I don't want this Bush-Clinton-Bush thing to continue (look where it HAS gotten US) any longer!

  2. Anonymous6:06 AM

    Osama Bin Barak is no good for God Damm Amerika!!!!!

    There's still time to Draft AL GORE....

  3. Anonymous9:05 AM

    The pastor's words were reprehensible and soundly repudiated by Obama. Just as Clinton had to remove Ferraro from her campaign, surrogates, not the candidates are causing the problems.

    Neither candidates should be linked to others words. Obama approached Clinton on the Senate floor and they both agreed to dampen down the rhetoric and stick to issues. If not, McCain will be our next preseident.

  4. Anonymous9:05 AM

    So what? Is a candidate responsible for everything a supporter says, even something said years ago? Jeremy, if you blog something stupid today, should it come back to haunt your candidate when he runs for president in 2016?

  5. Anonymous8:55 PM

    Wait a minute you hypocrites!! When George Bush ran in 2000, Democrats criticized his appearance at Bob Jones University because of the viewpoints of the institution and founder. You cannot now claim this is not an issue for Obama.

    Obama was married by that racist. His kids were baptized by that anti-Semite. Obama listened to the sermans of that hate monger and sought his advice. Not good.

  6. Anonymous2:59 AM

    If only George Bush had attended a University and taken some of the courses seriously, we wouldn't be in the mess we're in...smitty

  7. Anonymous4:34 AM

    God Damn America is obviously in response to the God Bless America rational we, as nation, use to soothe ourselves while bombing and destroying other countries so we can steal their natural resources. Blessing ourselves makes us feel better as we play a vengeful greedy God that sanctions wholesale murder of populations we dehumanize including minorities within our own borders.

    This reversal statement wakes us up to the fact that the God Bless America slogan is a pacifier and a lie. Many of us - white and black - have felt at some time or another - God Damn It All to Hell!

    Clinton/Obama Death Match 2008 video links :

    Tracy Morgan on SNL:

    Jon Stewart on the Daily Show:


  8. Anonymous7:53 AM

    And a lot of people were baptized and married by priests who ended up being pedophiles.

    Does that make them pedophiles?

    Obama denounced the minister's words. I don't remember W renouncing all the BS at Bob Jones.

    Give me a break.

  9. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Yes,I agree with the statement. God damn an America that has no respect for its own Constitution, that almost daily sits by while more chips flow from that document composed after the Founding Fathers broke away from jolly ol' England with the cry "Taxation Without Representation!" as those who insulate the masses from economic poverty hope against hope that the majority don't find this awful fact out. God damn an America which asserts to the world what a great democracy we have whilst unless you are a member of one of two exclusive clubs you usually are not electable.
    It's tough for many Catholics to accept that the Hierarchy created an insulated place for so many criminals against laws and criminals against minimally decent morals that perhaps one must be logically led to(gasp!) question all authority.
    Of course, it is a false dilemma. Our leaders are human and sometimes so failingly so that the week that was in NY history demonstrates it clearly. It neither demonstrates that leadership has no use nor that the co-experiencers of such must walk the same path. Indeed, if the latter were so, Jeremy Blaber would be inevitably found to be part of a ring that is one that does not have the same meaning as one worn upon a finger--by vitue of the fact he is a disciple of the soon-to-be former governor!!

  10. Anonymous6:44 PM

    434 am ....I have one thing to say


  11. Anonymous9:23 PM

    Obama's pastor is no different that some of the pastors in Kingston.

  12. Anonymous11:27 PM

    We are in an unjust war that is draining our resources and our military forces so that if any REAL need to call on the military for PROTECTION/SELF DEFENSE comes up we might as well all jump (but then, it will be too late, won't it?) ship...

    The U.S. Constitution is in shreds.

    Our government, from the local to the national, is raging with corruption.

    And people are angry (for good reason, I would say)- about all of this.

    So, maybe this minister's words, as harsh as they sound, actually represent a wake up call to all of us...

    It is unfortunate, however, that he phrased his angry comments in the manner that he did.

  13. Anonymous1:12 AM

    A quote and a poem for you:

    "Bush and Saudi Prince Talk Oil" (Title of an Article in "The Week;" 5/6/2005; p. 5

    "Liberty Ball"

    It is hard
    Is it not
    To dance well
    On a floor
    Greased with lard?

    --- N.S.; "Sunday Screw;" iUniverse;;
    2007; p. 16

  14. Anonymous11:49 PM

    Hello 9:05. Ferraro spoke the TRUTH. Oprah made this man a national figure. Obama who? Until she gave him a national audiance, and said "why don't you run for President", he was a locale big shoot. How can anyone with a brain sit for 20 years under that Pastor and not be influeced by his dynamic speach. If Obama did not agree with this man, why didnt he just go to another church. I dont beleive anything Obama says in this matter. It was a well rehearsed speach . If he was not Black, he would have never been on the Oprah show, and she would not have helped launched his campaing.
    If its not about Obamas race, why didnt Oprah back Edwards? He is still my first choice.

  15. Anonymous7:42 PM

    I had a horrible thought today...

    Suppose McCain wins... & is struck down by illness or something (he IS over 70 years old...) within a short amount of time...

    And we still end up with Huckabee or Romney (would it be one of these two?) as president...?


    Me-thinks we Democrats had better get it together...

    Don't you?


  16. Anonymous8:54 PM

    (1) Reverend Jim Jones (of cultic suicide or homicide fame...) reputedly studied (learning how to psychologically manipulate, exploit and brainwash people) under a Pentecostal preacher named David Maranda (associated with the "Church of God is Love") - in Brazil - which might have provided the foundational precepts for the Christian Coalition!

    (2) According to Carl Raschke, Lt. Col. (Dr.) Michael Aquino (former High Priest of the Church of Satan; founder of the Temple of Set; mind control / brainwashing expert; U.S. Army...) started reporting directly to President Reagan's (Republican) Joint Chiefs of Staff (the head of the U.S. Army, Navy and Airforce) [HUH? YEP!] in 1981.


    (3) Other than pulling in the megabucks and sending out direct or indirect threats to a large portion of the American populous - and to Mr. Chavez - Reverend Pat Robertson [a former Presidential candidate (Republican Party) that has been associated, along the way with the Christian Coalition; the Christian Broadcast Network; Operation Blessing; some other "religous" enterprises; the Bush Sr. and th Bush Jr. Administrations)has engaged in some rather lucrative (i.e. diamond mining...) business enterprises with President Lumumba's (assassinated) former Army Chief of Staff, Mobutu - who was into [after (ahem) converting to Christianity...] exploiting (big time) the African people.

    (4) Not to mention the fact that Reverend Pat Robertson has also(tis' said) supported President Jorge Serrano of Guatamala (who is apparently NOT a very nice man...) - and some other such folks across the planet...

    (5) Reverend Jim Bakker and Tammy Faye Bakker were reputedly bringing in $1,000,000 a day (before the sex scandal, etc) at one point...

    (6) Whilst, in the U.S. of A., reported child abuse stats reputedly rose, between 1963 and 1988, from 150,000 a year to 2,000,000 a year (a 1,300 % increase!). [These stats & associated social problems have continued to climb under predomoninantly Republican rule... (although I haven't heard too much squawking about this from the Democrats either, until NOW...) and yet no one seems (as demonstrated by CONSTRUCTIVE ACTION) --- to CARE!

    MUST I GO ON???????????????????

    ARE THESE "THINGS" [Just a snippet... all down in print long before I started writing...] TRUE? OR NO???

    AND - if these things ARE true [how come there haven't been any (to my knowlege) lawsuits --- or much publicity around these claims??????] --- WHAT DOES THAT INDICATE????


    "Separation of Church and State!"

    Why not let all of these folks do their thing (as long as it is NOT against the law!) IN their churches --- but KEEP THEM FROM HAVING ANY DIRECT OR MONETARY INFLUENCE on our government, our national or international policies and/or our military IN ANY WAY?

    In fact, why DON'T we subject religious (ahem...) organizations to the same degree of accountability and laws (taxation, etc.) that apply to the rest of us???

    Should folks be concerned about Obama's pastor and his influence on Obama? YES.

    Should folks be concerned about the influence of EVERY REVEREND OUT THERE on our POLITICAL BODIES & REPRESENTATIVES? ABSOLUTELY.

    But don't miss the small print --- ANYWHERE --- folks. 'Cause there appear to be a lot of SNAKES in this GARDEN!

    Check it out folks! You don't have to read the books I've written (apparently few are going to...) So at least check out Peter Levenda's book, "Sinister Force"; Carl Raschke's book, "Painted Black;" the Freedom From Religion Foundation (


    "What is missionary work, after all, but psychological warfare by other means?"

    --- Peter Levenda; "Sinister Force"; p. 328

  17. Anonymous8:47 AM

    I say never let facts get in the way of the truth! for all you die hard Dems...Just remember it was southern dems who opposed freeing the slaves.What party was Lincoln a member of?????

  18. Anonymous11:56 PM

    Lincoln was a Liberal Republican, but then you are going back to 1861-1865, and things have changed considerably since then...

    In fact, it appears things changed considerably with Grant, Hayes and Garfield...

    And then took a particularly nasty turn with Taft, Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush Sr. and Bush Jr...

    That's just an opinion though. Check it out (read the small print; check out who these folks have aligned themselves with...) for yourself.

  19. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Jeremy please post the rest of the minister's speech at:

    And you will see his message in context unlike what was spoon feed to the mainstream media.

  20. Anonymous2:40 AM

    The Reverend's speech has not changed MY view on Obama --- which is that he seems to be the only slight hope for positive change this nation currently has.


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