
Tuesday, March 25, 2008

I got a call from the Poughkeepsie Journal today and I was asked to remove my campaign buttons from the blog. As you all know, this blog is advertised on the Journal and they can't seem as if they are providing my campaign with preferential treatment. I agree and I am setting up a separate website for my school board campaign. Updates to follow.


  1. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Good for you. I hope you decide to put information on the website indicating not just what you hope to do in the school board but what you already have accomplished. I am having a tough time finding any information about what you do other than this blog, which is all fine and good, but certainly does not make someone qualified for school board.

  2. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Already bowing to the press Jeremy? Shame on you...


  3. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Anonymous 5:51,

    It is not a matter of Jeremy "Bowing to the press" but rather the acceptable blog content guidelines of the Poughkeepsie Journal. So it boils down to either removing all personal self-promoting political content from the blog or not being linked to the newspaper at all. It's a personal choice Blaber had to decide.


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