
Friday, March 21, 2008

Smoking Ban Moves Forward

The Laws and Rules Committee approved the revised smoking ban last night. The committee has unanimously recommended that smoking be banned from within 50 feet of municipal building entrances and in playgrounds, bleachers, pavilions, gazebos, at Kingston Point Beach, the Forsyth Park Nature Center, and at the Andretta Pool at Dietz Stadium. There will be a $100 fine for those in violation.

The laws and rules committee headed by Alderwoman Anne Marie DiBella has made the right decision in backing Ringwood's proposal. While I think this legislation does not go far enough it's a good start and a fair compromise. I'm confident that the full council will approve the ban into law in April.


  1. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Now we can focus on the issues and lower taxes, clean up our streets, and get rid on the people who are not contributing to our city?
    Look around and focus on whats going on......

  2. Anonymous7:14 PM

    "Let's rid on the people who are not contributing good grammar to our city!!"(See how many ways the above sentence can be rearranged!). Why is the poster's post not a typo? Because the "n" on a keyboard is very far away from the "f" in terms of the correct yes, perhaps he uses only one hand. lol
    GOOD GRAMMAR NOW--MAKE OUR CITY THE SAFEST GRAMMAR CITY IN ALL OF THE STATE!! And let's ban all bad grammar from 50 MB away from all blogs in the city!! Amen!!

  3. Anonymous2:27 AM

    "Our liberty cnnot be taken away unless the people are themselves accomplices."

    Lord Bolingbroke (1935); In "The Statecraft of Machiavelli"; 1940; Sir Herbert Butterfield

  4. Anonymous4:45 AM

    The Church Lady is baaack! Isn't that Speeeecial?...smitty

  5. Anonymous10:01 AM

    I would rather have a person with a typo's than a fool who cant see the truth, or beleives that we are in a good position in this city.
    I contributed over 39k, in state local and payroll taxes last year, so I have the right to bitch and spell something wrong on accident.
    Bite me!


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