
Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Young Dems on the Rise in Ulster County

This is a great event happening this Friday in New Paltz, the young Dems of Ulster County is finally becoming a reality through the hard work of Shannon Schreibman, Alison Wilber, Jay Mahler and many other dedicated Democratic volunteers. Really an event worth checking out!!!

The Ulster County Young Dems kick off the hottest election in American history!

End of Bush Party!

Friday, March 7th


(Open Bar 7-8 p.m.)

Cabaloosa Club

58 Main Street, New Paltz

(next to Muddy Cup)

Students $5 / Community members $8

Music by:

Tulula, the Virginia Wolves and other bands


Dan Ahouse for Congressman Hinchey Assemblyman Kevin Cahill, Legislator Susan Zimet and Jonathan R. Sennett

for more info contact:


  1. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Does Hinchey even know what kind of bar Grabalossa is? Perhaps they will finally mop the floors and get rid of the beer and vomit (I guess the use of the other word excluded my post from being posted).

    Grabalossa, is it being held there, because you Jeremy are under 21, and can't get into any other bar?

    You are too much of a wuss to post this.

  2. No, I didn't publish your comment before because I don't want to hurt the feelings of a group of people that worked hard to put this all together.

  3. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Blaber can order a Shirley Temple.

  4. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Once upon a time, the legal drinking age in New York was 18. Disco-mania was in the air in the mid-1970's. At the discos it was to meet a girl, have a drink and boggy down to the beat.ahhh, those were the days!

  5. Anonymous9:40 PM

    Some people... I think that anonymous blogger is extremely jealous of the accomplishments that you continue to make!

    Thanks for posting such a great blog! I wish I had seen it sooner!


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