
Thursday, April 17, 2008

13 of 19 Democratic Lawmakers Endorse Hein for Executive

BREAKING NEWS : 13 County Lawmakers have endorsed Mike Hein today for Ulster County Executive. These are people that deal with Mike Hein on a day to day basis and recognize his leadership to move Ulster County forward.

There are also over 230 confirmed guest for Hein's fundraiser tonight. Hein's support is growing and growing fast, while the other candidates are not even out of the gate.

Hein, a lifelong Ulster County resident, is seeking the Democratic Party nomination for County Executive in June. Under a new charter form of government starting next year, the Ulster County Executive will have the authority and power to create an executive budget; to set overall goals and priorities, to cut wasteful spending - and to hold all county departments, agencies and managers accountable for results.

Hein has 18 years of private sector financial management experience and a track record of delivering the first Ulster County Administrator’s budget to cut spending. “The legislators endorsing Hein know first hand that he is fully qualified to lead a $325 million operation with 2,000 employees.

Ulster County Ways and Means Committee Chairman Alan Lomita, D-W Rosendale, said Mr. Hein has that selecting the right person for the job of executive is critical. “He has shown to be uniquely qualified for this important position. There is a lot at stake here and Mike understands how (important) it is to address the property tax burden.

Brian Shapiro, D-I-W Woodstock, Chair of the Environmental Committee said: ”Mike Hein is demonstrated he that he will advance sustainable growth while protecting the environment.”

Praise for Hein continues around the county. “Mr. Hein sees how to promote assets and reduce liabilities. Southern Ulster County will benefit from his plan to make county government more efficient,” said Legislator Jon Decker, D-Highland.

Legislator Mary P. Sheeley, D-I Wawarsing, believes Hein knows how to balance fiscal responsibility with compassion. “He is the most capable and competent choice for this pivotal leadership position,” said Sheeley.

Earlier this week, it was announced that Sheriff Paul Van Blarcum had endorsed Hein. In 2006, Democrat Paul Van Blarcum swept a countywide election for sheriff and successfully operates a large countywide agency with a multimillion-dollar budget.

Hein already has the endorsement of Democratic Committees in Hurley and Esopus. He will address committees next week in Wawarsing, Kingston and Saugerties

Full list of Endorsements:

Legislator Alan Lomita D-Rosendale

Legislator Robert Parete, D-W Boiceville

Legislator Thomas J. Briggs D-I Wawarsing

Legislator Joseph P. Stoeckeler, Jr. D-I Wawarsing

Legislator Mary P. Sheeley D-I Wawarsing

Legislator Richard Parete, D-W Accord

Legislator Peter G. Kraft, Glenford D-W

Legislator Peter M. Loughren, Kingston D-C-I

Legislator Jeanette Provezano, D-C-I-W Kingston

Legislator Frank P. Dart, D-C-I-W Kingston

Legislator Philip C. Terpening, D-I-W Kingston.

Legislator Jon Decker, D-Highland

Legislator Brian Shapiro, D- Woodstock

For more information go to:


  1. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Bad news for Hein. The public doesn't want somebody who is endorsed by the political establishment. Bring on an outsider to run this county's government. Hein is just another good old boy.

  2. Anonymous8:41 PM

    "Just a good ol' boy,
    Never meanin' no harm . . . "

  3. Anonymous9:34 PM

    The reality is he is working with the team that voters put in place. That is the way the system works.

  4. Anonymous8:22 AM

    You have a typo in this sentence:

    There is also over 230 confirmed guest for Hein's fundraiser tonight.

    Should be

    There ARE also over 230 confirmed guestS for Hein's fundraiser tonight.

    Thanks for the update on goings-on around Ulster Co.

  5. Anonymous1:05 PM

    J, you have a quote from Brian Shapiro supporting Mike Hein, he was left off the list. Just clarifying not meant to be critical. Good job.

  6. Anonymous8:03 PM

    Endorsement for a candidate is the right of each and every one of us. To attack those that do not agree with someone’s choice because it is different then their own is not democratic! Furthermore, town committees have a right under our political system to endorse or not endorse any candidate from their party. That is true democracy. It is wrong to throw stones and convey disinformation thus declaring anyone with a difference of opinion the enemy. I resent this and feel it should not be part of our system of choosing a candidate.

    It seems to me that the Legislators that have endorsed Mr. Hein must have done so because they work closely with him and know his qualities and character and believe him to be the best choice for County Executive.

    The endorsements have helped me make up my mind to support Mr. Hein. When choosing a candidate we must rely on those that are in a position to know and judge them best. Too often we only hear the sound bites and negativity.

    Besides the endorsements, I have decided to support Mr. Hein because I heard him on the radio and liked the fact that he was positive but pragmatic about the future of Ulster County.

    I hope that those that choose to support someone other then Mr. Hein to be County Executive keep the campaign positive and issue oriented. Mr. Hein seems to being doing just that.

  7. Anonymous1:11 AM

    If Clint Brown was running, I'd support him, otherwise, Mike Hein is the best choice.

    CB Love Child #2

  8. Anonymous8:17 AM

    These are the mooks who got us here - so to them things are great!

  9. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Taxpayers lose again - more jobs to hand out to the in crowd

  10. Anonymous9:30 PM

    Does Hein have an answer for social security?

  11. Anonymous6:28 AM

    Does Hein have an answer on why he switched parties after the Dems took over?

  12. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Didn't Hein buddy up with Oliveri & Spada?

  13. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Specifically what private sector experience did Mike have - didn't he work with Teetsel and in a jewelry store?


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