
Thursday, April 10, 2008

Assemblyman Cahill Secures 6.5 Million for Solar Energy Consortium

Assemblyman Kevin Cahill has once again come through for Ulster County, securing 6.5 million dollars for the Solar Energy Consortium in this years state budget. The consortium will use the money to attract solar companies in Ulster County.

Assemblyman Cahill has done a tremendous job as a champion of green renewable energy and the NYS Assembly is extremely fortunate to have someone with his passion for these important issues as the Chair of New York State's Energy Committee. This funding made possible by Cahill represents an investment for hundreds of future green jobs in Ulster County.

“This funding will provide a tremendous boost to our goal of making the Hudson Valley a global leader in the research and development of renewable energy,” said Cahill. “The advancement of solar power is critical to addressing our energy and global climate change challenges. With this money TSEC can now hit the ground running to make sure that happens right here in Ulster County.”

"The exceptional leadership of Kevin Cahill in his role as Chair of the Assembly Energy Committee and his continuing support and mentoring of The Solar Energy Consortium is greatly appreciated," said Vincent Cozzolino, CEO of The Solar Energy Consortium. “TSEC could not have achieved the success it has in its short existence without the support and vision of Assemblymember Cahill.”

The mission of the not-for-profit organization is to integrate and harness the state’s vast financial, technical, scientific, academic and manufacturing capabilities to double the efficiency of solar technology.


  1. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Worthy project, maybe, but just more pork in the state budget.

  2. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Glad he got a new photo. Why spend close to 10 million in state and federal funding on JUST solar. Why not other forms of renewable energy? Wind generation, etc.

  3. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Just get me paint that changes from white in hot weather to black in cold, and my heating costs will evaporate. Just one simple passive system is all I ask.

  4. Anonymous8:20 PM

    excuse the pun but it seems like a lot of hot air to me. Dont get me wrong I would like to see the area thrive but btwn Hinchey, Bonacic, Cahill and UC Leg there is over $10 mil in the kitty now.

    What does TSEC expect to do with over $10 mil? And what sort of strings are attached to all the allotments from the government bean counters?

    Oh and *if* Ginsberg thinks that they are going to use the lionshare to buy building #25 he's nuts.

  5. Anonymous11:22 PM

    Dear 8:25AM. Your republican lard butt is showing. Prism has committed to manufacture, and distribute its products from the Town of Ulster site, and this is only the start. Pork is all the jobs you republicans gave to people who agreed to run for office, ex- county legislators who got jobs instead of qualified employees, and the greased palms you guys did with the County jail.
    I could go on and on.
    Let the truth be known, this is the real high tech jobs that our children can stay here,and raise a family.
    Do you want to kno the name of pork? Pataki, and he could not deliver on his promise to turn the old IBM site in Kingston into the next NYS computer center, thanks to Rep. State Senator Bruno's threats. And those are the facts, and facts are a stubborn thing.

  6. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Great job Mr. Cahill - now please run for County Executive!


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