
Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Blaber on KCR This Monday Morning

I will be filling in for Mike Sweeney this Monday on Kingston Community Radio from 7-9am. As many know Mike Sweeney and his choir will be preforming for the Pope during his visit to New York. Also Monday night, I will be leaving for a YEO convention in Arkansas for three days...more on that later today.

I will be on with my good friends Rich Parete and Glenn Noonan... I'm sure we will talk about the upcoming race for Executive and Comptroller. As well as whatever other issues are going on. I look forward to it.


  1. Anonymous8:10 PM

    Ah, yes, the Pope. It's not every day a former Hitler Youth gets to visit the White House.

  2. Anonymous8:47 PM

    To the first comment: If you did a little reading, you would learn that your statement is VERY misleading.

    He was forced into it. He left it, and was later forced to put the uniform he never wanted wear again back on when he became a prisoner of war because of his age.

    Do some reading... you may learn something.

  3. Anonymous10:59 PM

    Get Parete to run.

  4. Anonymous5:06 AM

    What? For Pope? I think not. I'm endorsing Al Cardinal Teetsel.SHREK

  5. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Either he was or he wasn't. If we EDUCATE ourselves, will we learn he was NOT Hitler Youth? The rest is rationalization. St. Joseph's did its job on you.

  6. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Good friend Parete? I thought you were having problems with him last year.

    Thank You 8:47. It's not like Senator Byrd, he had a CHOICE to join the KKK. But you liberals love him anyway and are able to overlook his youthful 'mistakes'.

  7. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Let us not forget Jeremey's candidate de jour, Mike Hein. Was he forced to be a republican until the dems took control of the county or was that a choice he made?

  8. Anonymous2:45 PM

    was the pope forced into nazism in the same way American Indians --- the nation at large --- and (perhaps?) have been and/or are being manipulated, coerced and forced into Christianity? will we soon have special little outfits (one way or another...) to wear as well?

  9. Anonymous3:21 PM

    2:45, if we get Hillary in the WH, YES, I think pant suits will be the uniform code of dress.


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