
Sunday, April 06, 2008

SNL Last Night


  1. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Great clip. With Obama only getting the support of 56% of Democrats to Hillary's 90%+, I think she's pretty safe. It's clear now that an Obama nomination only helps McCain win. The rides over Barack, please exit to the left. Besides, speaking engagements pay so much more than that measly 400 grand at the White House.

  2. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Thanks for the laugh. I remember during the 1970's when SNL did parody skits on Jimmy Carter. And who could forget the 70's TV sitcom "Carter Country"? for sure, I thought the networks would do a comedy show modeled after the Clintons.

  3. Anonymous11:32 PM

    OBAMA OSAMA.... Call a spade a spade, I say.


    Jimmy Crowe

  4. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Hillary is in it till she makes sure Obama is going to lose. She already knows she won't be the candidate, but it is very important for her that he fails also.

  5. Anonymous7:47 PM

    1:54- You're not too bright. If either one was to quit,we'd have no coverage to accomplish the biggest Democratic turnout in history. Barack would certainly lose to McCain without it. Hillary can't win either without a big "fight" to highlight her. The Democratic party has in the past chosen a nominee that didn't even run in the primaries. Don't let the show fool you. It's more about a Democratic takeover in November than who wins the top slot. The platform drives the flagbearer.


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