
Monday, April 21, 2008


  1. Anonymous8:43 PM

    Good thing Democrats have Hein, the one announced candidate who is qualified to operate a $325 million office with 2,000 employees. Hein has my vote.

    I see that self-indulgent Susan Zimet announced for County Exec today, guaranteing disarray for the Democrats. She has absolutely nothing in her public or private experience to make her even barely qualified for County Exec. All she has going for her is her female gender, her big ego and big ambition, her big mouth and her husbands bank account.

    Most every county legislator has already signed on to support Mike Hein.

    I guess it's a SURE THING Zimet cannot count on Elliot Spitzer for help this year. I wonder if she has ordered Zimet=Hillary or Zimet-Obama bumperstickers for this campaign.

  2. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Can anyone listen to his speech and tell me what he says that is any different than what the republican candidate will ultimately be saying.

    Lower taxes, government efficiency, attract private investors to generate an economic revival. Not that any of that is wrong, but exactly what is he saying that addresses core democratic party principals?

    When he stands up there and says the same things as the republican and Zimet keeps reminding the voters about why they are members of the democratic party, things could get confusing.

    Please Mike, we know that efficiency in government is important. We know that taxes are killing us all. Most of us know that you would do a better job that Susan.

    Tell us why you are a democrat and how the ideals of the party will shape your policy decisions.

    Absent a convincing answer, I see this thing going in a bad direction.

  3. Anonymous11:13 PM

    Seniors. Arts. Environment. Healthy families. Hardly the stuff Republicans support on their platforms.

  4. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Both Hein and Zimet reportedly made a commitment that neither will run on a third party line if they lose the Democratic nomination.

    Sure, Hein has a cozy releationship with the Conservatives while Zimet has a relationship with the Chair of the Independence Party - but if they keep their word, Democrats will not endure a repeat of the Sennett-Bradley disaster this fall.

  5. Anonymous7:43 AM

    How about running a more effective government - with a 243 million budget with 1,500 employees - in other words more service with 25% less cost. That's what a private business minded leader could accomplish.

    The insiders won't let this guy get in!

  6. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Thanks for pointing those issues out, I agree they were mentioned in passing. Certainly were not emphasized enough to stand out. Still think he needs to do some work to convince that he shares the ideals of the party.

  7. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Maybe Beradi is playing posum? Can't he still get signatures for a primary?

  8. Anonymous11:30 PM

    What proof do you have that Hein is "cozy" with conservatives?

  9. Anonymous4:09 PM

    For those who want to use Paul Hewitt as evidence that Mike is tied to the conservatives. Check his enrollment, he has been a Democrat longer than Mike.

  10. Anonymous11:16 PM

    Is there any truth to Zimet's claim in the Saugerties Times that she helped bail out Ellenville hospital?

  11. Anonymous7:15 PM

    Perhaps Zimet helped bail out the hospital by being a customer and paying her bill.

  12. Anonymous9:00 PM

    If she calculated that it could improve her odds of getting elected, Zimet would create Zimet- McCain bumper sitckers.


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