
Wednesday, April 04, 2012

My Two Cents: Christie for GOP Veep

Now that Mitt Romney has wrapped up the Republican nomination for President the question is who will he choose for Vice President? Rick Santurum and Gingrich have no shot, actually Ron Paul has the best chance of being picked of the candidates remaining, which is great for Democrats.

If Mitt Romney wants to win, he needs to use his persuade Gov. Christie to join the ticket. The NJ Gov. is highly electable and has a high level of credibility and likeability that Romney lacks...

I'm voting for Obama no matter what but Gov. Christie on ticket would present a competitive race.


  1. Anonymous10:34 AM

    two from the NorthEast ?? Comeon J.B. aint gonna happen,
    Romney needs a conservative or/and a Southerner or a Southwestern name,,,

    Bobby Jindal type, ???

  2. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Not sure Christie wouldn't be a drag on Romney's campaign. Christie did some really questionable things as U.S. Attorney for New Jersey:

    I wonder of Sandoval of Nevada has any skeletons.

  3. Not a drag at all, this guy is the real deal..the ticket should have Christie on top, the fact that it does not, will ensure Obama's reelection. Christie would of beat Obama in my humble opinion.

  4. Anonymous9:58 PM

    Well, what are you somking? Sure, Christie is generally popular in NJ, but recent polls suggest President Obama will easily beat Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney in NJ, who Christie endorsed, by some 9 points. Cristie on the ticket doesn't help to change the electoral math for Romney, not even in NJ.

  5. Anonymous11:34 AM

    good call jeremy i hope bernardo didn't tell you because thats the kiss of death

  6. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Christie is a dope. I hope he does become the vp pick to help Obama. He'd help even more at the top of the ticket. Likeability is what Forrest Gump had. Fun to laugh at but not worthy of responsibility.

  7. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Blaber: Christie is the one!

    Christie: Jeremy, I am your father. I can sense your anger at the GOP. Embrace it and we can rule the universe, you and I.


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