
Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Coming soon

We will have a new post tonight and an update on a few  local stories

Parete decides not to run for new senate seat,  still a three way Democratic primary for new 46th and Assemblyman Amadore keeps racking up support and money; looking like he will be the next Senator of the district by a big margin. We hear a former Kingston Mayor's son is leading up the Amadore campaign. Republican will a big check book, cross over support and a Democratic party that can't rally behind one candidate all but assures an Amadore victory.

Does the low turn out at the Ulster Dem convention indicate a dissatisfaction amongst Ulster Democrats with the leadership of the County committee? Or are  Dems not that enthused about the races in general? How will that effect local candidates?

Robin Yess still hates Terry Bernardo and the Republican committee that she lead not even a year ago... yawn..more details on that later and her cozy new relationship with Democrats..Dems beware!!!

Blaber and Rich Cahill top bloggers in County? According to Ulster Supervisor Jim Quigley, yes. Link to Kingston Times story soon.

Speaking of Rich Cahill, Ulster Republicans nominated him as a place holder to run against our local powerhouse Assemblyman Kevin Cahill. If he remains on the ballot we could see Cahill vs. Cahill which would be fun but mostly very confusing. Come on, no Peter Rooney this year?! I hear  Rooney  is going to make an explosive announcement regarding his potential candidacy around the fourth of July.


  1. Anonymous8:46 PM

    In practice, Kevin Cahill is a "placeholder for himself." (speaking of "placeholders").

  2. i was in the jeep10:03 PM

    Hey J.B.
    Congrats & kudos on yr recent mentions in the press & on the other blogs.

    Seems like you been gettin' some "props" from da street,,,

    Well deserved,

    seen ya today on Wall St doin yr work,, good job, lookin fit & trim,
    Bravo Dude,,,

  3. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Blaber, nice job calling out Yess, but no need to worry. We will not trust her beyond our sight, as even desparate politicians know you can't trust someone who turns on a dime. Any former party chair , who does what she does, is a modern day Benedict Arnold. Dems are too smart and see through her easily.She has no class.

  4. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Can you really call yourself a blogger anymore? You only update it once a month recently, if that.

  5. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Old post where is the stuff are you waiting for Terry to write it for you

  6. Certainly among the top bloggers, both of you. By objective criteria (numbers of views, viewers, rate of posting, followers, etc) and by subjective criteria (clarity, reason, opening for other opinions, etc) you would both certainly qualify for my top 5. I might also add to that list.

    While I don't want to hang on your coat tails, If your readers also read, they might also be interested in It's my new blog, put forth as a forum for all of us to suggest and create positive solutions to some problems we are all facing.

    Andrew Champ-Doran

  7. Anonymous10:20 PM

    Still waiting!

  8. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Crickets chirping....


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