Ulster County Treasurer Ulster County Administrator
invite you to join them in supporting
Tuesday, July 8, 2008, from 6 to 8 pm
at the Hillside Manor
Rte 32, Kingston, NY
Suggested donation: $100
Wine, Beer, Hot Hors d’Oeuvres
Please make your reservations by answering this email or calling 706-2996. You may pay at the door.
If you are unable to attend and would like to make a contribution,
please send checks made out to Friends of Elliott Auerbach to POB 542 , Ellenville, NY 12428.
Now, now is this a paid political ad
No just a public service announcement.
Jeremy, I always thought of you as the BLOGmeister, but did you see this ULSTER POLITICS thing?
97 comments! WOW! Who is this masked person? And will a Ch 23 shutdown be a bonanza for the blog world?...smitty
Public service announcement?
So, if Len Bernardo or James Quigley were to forward an announcement about their fund raisers to Mr. Blaber, he would post them as well?
If the answer is yes, we can believe the "public service announcement" explanantion.
If the answer is no, then this IS a political ad, paid or not.
Yes, if any candidate gives me a reasonable amount of time I will advertise their announcement.
Ulster Politics "staff" at their "headquarters" needed to be tested as to their freedom of thought tolerance. Apparently, they were greedy enough to accept posts until the IQ exceeded a certain level. I doubt there are enough truthful posters there to ever reach that level again. They can go back to the sewer of personal invective again. I think it's pretty clear they belong to the pitchfork and torch crowd.
Did you read the e-mail from Stu Fraser? Any donation is welcomed and no one will be turned away from Elliot's function.
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