Monday, May 02, 2011


Vote Jason West for New Paltz Mayor! Elect Arianna Basco and Sandy Rhodes Village Board

voting is from 12-9pm at the Village Fire House


bd said...

YEs on Jason, JB,

BUT NO ON ARIANA - she has no concept of what is good for the real taxpayers of New Paltz,, too student & NYPIRG oriented,
Sally is good but others are better. Her time has passed.
Kip Ruger & Stewart Glenn much better as is Rick Bunt.

My opinion AND i have lived here for 42 years,, so I know a little about NP.

Jeremy Blaber said...

I respect your opinion, I really liked what Ariana had to say but that's my opinion.

bd said...

you just like the way she looks, JB,,, you never heard a word she said,, you were staring so hard @ her &$^#%@,,,


tom rocco said...

I haven't lived here for thirty or forty years, but i like living here now.
First, it is "Sally" Rhoads and I think she is a superb candidate for the Board. I know her well and see no reason to think that her time is passed as someone else said on this blog. She is smart and with it and her values are right.
Jason West is a very good candidate but I think Jean Galucci would be a better mayor. We are lucky to have a choice. Both have experience; Jean has current experience and she is a proven budget maven; she knows current law and procedure and she has many of the right priorities.
Stewart Glenn is a very good choice for the Board; he knows municipal law and is committed to reasonable development in the Village.
We have at least two other good choices in Ruger and Bunt but i think Stewart is the best all round choice.
Hope to see you soon at the poll.
tom rocco

Jeremy Blaber said...

Not ture, I would never vote for a person based on looks. If for no other reason, if I ever run for office, I would lose big if that was what people based their vote on! :~)

bd said...

WEST Stewart Glenn, Sally & the NYPIRG woman,

No Too Shabby We can live with this group until disolution,,

Mr Rocco, you are incorrect about Gallucci tho, she was a huge cog in Dungan's wheel of Terror in the Village
Glad she & her little puppydog Shari Osborn are O U T !!!
Wonder if her HUSBAND the Meter Maid is gonna be out of a job, now ?
Nepotism of the worst kind.
Congrats to all the winners,,,, I would have liked to see Kip Ruger in tho,

Stephen Hillier said...

Hey bd, why is it that the commenters who talk the most shit are always anonymous?