Friday, June 24, 2011

City Dem Boss Cardinale Misleading Freeman Over Candidate Endorsements

There was a story written in the Freeman today that is purposely misleading based on information given by  City Dem Chair Frank Cardinale. In the story, Cardinale gives two quotes that are very disturbing:

In the Fifth Ward, where original Democratic candidate Diann Keyser has dropped out, the committee is backing William Carey of 101 Hoffman St., according to city Democratic Chairman Frank Cardinale.

In the Seventh Ward, which also lacked a nominee after the May convention, the Democratic Committee is backing Maryann Mills, who lives at 61 Tammany St., to run against Republican Curtis Dankleman, Cardinale said.

O.k., both of those statements are simply untrue. The Democratic committee never meet and took a vote to back Ms. Mills or Mr. Carey.  As a Democratic committeeman, I can tell you, I was at the committee meeting last Monday, no vote took place. There was discussion about two great candidates looking to run in Ward 7, Jody Edinger and Mary Ann Mills, no decision was made as to who to support, the Alderman of Ward 7 has not offered an opinion one way or another and ward 5 never came up at all.

The only way for the committee to endorse a candidate is at the unofficial convention, which took place a few weeks ago, neither Ms. Mills nor Mr. Carey were nominated. There is a method to replace a candidate through the committee to fill vacancies, however, that committee has not meet nor are they a valid committee until after the nominating petitions are filed.

Point blank, in my opinion it is very clear that Frank Cardinale lied to the Daily Freeman. The race for the Democratic nomination for Aldermen in Wards five and seven will be decided after primaries. Frank saying that a specific candidate has committee support when they do not gives them an unfair advantage in the primary and it's unfair and unethical.

I think it's time that Frank Cardinale think about whether or not he can continue to serve effectively as Chairman of the city committee.


Anonymous said...

Bill Carey, isn't that "My Peter" Loughran's brother in law? We have seen how effective Peter is, not! That's one more vote for the good old boys!

Anonymous said...

Jeremy, you are 100% right in challenging Cardinale on his unethical behavior as chairman. First he was openly pushing for Hayes Clement for Mayoral candidate BEFORE the convention in spite of the fact that Gallo and Clement are BOTH committeeemen which is poor behavior from a party chairman. Now this.. the committee to fill vacancies needs to have a chat with Frank and set him straight. Also, I am not in favor of Maryann Mills as a democratic endorsee, she will not get my vote.

Anonymous said...

Correct, Jeremy, the only way to fill a vacancy is having the committee to fill vancancies meet. It is my understading that you are right, the committee is not an official committee until after petitions are filed. Also I talked to R.G., who serves as one of the three on the committee and they have never meet. How can Frank just put out information that is unture and expect to get away with it. The arrogance of this guy is something else.

Anonymous said...

I am not supporting Nick Woerner for Alderman but I beleive in a fair process and what the Chairman is doing is wrong and unacceptable. He should step down.

Anonymous said...

I am not supporting Nick Woerner for Alderman but I beleive in a fair process and what the Chairman is doing is wrong and unacceptable. He should step down.

Anonymous said...


What Cardinale did is better than Sinagra did. At least Cardinale did not lie to Gallo, promise him support, and then stick a knife in his back.

Anonymous said...

What do you expect from Frank Cardinale? He is a lifelong "me first" politician. He has never done anything in politics that didn't directly benefit him or his family. He has played both sides of the fence forever. He always backed Al Spada and many other current or former Republicans if he thought it would get him something, which it has. He worked for the State, his son works for the State, and his wife works for the County. He is now taking advantage of the void in leadership on the city committee. Mark my words, somewhere down the road, there is something in this for Frank.

Anonymous said...

What do you expect from Frank Cardinale? He is a lifelong "me first" politician. He has never done anything in politics that didn't directly benefit him or his family. He has played both sides of the fence forever. He always backed Al Spada and many other current or former Republicans if he thought it would get him something, which it has. He worked for the State, his son works for the State, and his wife works for the County. He is now taking advantage of the void in leadership on the city committee. Mark my words, somewhere down the road, there is something in this for Frank.

Anonymous said...

Frank the fake won't ask the Committe for vacancies because he knows they will support Woerner. Woerner will win the Primary and the Election and should. He knows government and can get things done.

Anonymous said...

Re: 7:56am.

I guess this posting is from Rich Cahill.

And frankly I don't think that Singara would ever have backed you.

Anonymous said...

Frank is the best thing that the Dems have to holding the Committee together.

Jeremy, if you had any real interests you would have run for Ward 7 Alderman.

Anonymous said...

11:04 I don't know who is more wrong, you or Frank Cardinale. Woerner will not, and should not win. He had his chance and he screwed up royally.

Cardinale should not have said those people were supported by the city committee. If he is the one supporting them he should say so even though that is wrong too.

Jeremy Blaber said...

3:33 I'm upset with the porcess and how Frank has handled all of this especially in Ward 5.

In Ward 7, Maryann Mills and Jody Edinger are both great people. Both decided to run before either one knew the other was running. There was an active search going on for candidates in that Ward becasue there was no one running in Ward 7.

If there ends up being a primary, which may not happen, either Mary Ann or Jody would do a geat job as the next Alderman. As a life long resident of Ward 7, I would be happy to have either person, they both are running for the right reasons

Anonymous said...

Jeremy, i posted a couple of statements on your blog yesterday and day before supporting Jody Edinger and stating that i was not satisfied with the way things turned out regarding the bid for property on clifton ave. invoving the Mills. You posted my statement yesterday and now it is removed. Why? If Maryann Mills is going to run for office, surely she is going to be subject to scrutiny, thats our system. I dont think i was too sharp in my statements but when folks are running for office and you are going to present a political blog, please dont cave in to a candidate that contacts you after you post somthing. If Mills cant take some criticism while running for office then she shouldnt run!

Anonymous said...

I am not going to vote for Maryann Mills for alderwoman. I will be voting for jody Edinger and if he gets beat in primary by Mills then I will vote for republican candidate Kurt Dankleman. Kurt is a moderate republican and I can live with that.

Jeremy Blaber said...

I respect your opinion and try to be fair, however, sometimes I find myself in a difficult spot as a member of the committee.

I do not want it linked to me at all. There are members on the committee starting a whisper campaign that I some how recruited Jody against Ms. Mills.

I supported his intention to run, but at the time there was no candidate. I want to be clear this is nothing against Ms. Mills.

I think either Jody or Ms. Mills would make a great Alderman. I also do not know if a primary is a good idea, I think we may need to get behind one candidate so we can focus on keeping Ward 7 in democratic hands, as this ward is very much in play for Republicans this year.

Anonymous said...

You are going to accuse someone of lying off of a quote that was in the Daily Freeman. Talk about doubtful...the Freeman has not accurately quoted anyone in at least a decade. It is the most inaccurate unprofessional newspaper I have come across and that is saying alot. And in the City of Kingston Committee support can not be considered an advantage...we know the bozos on that committee.

Anonymous said...

Blaber, I agree with you stay out of this. If there is a primary let the best person win. I don't know Jody or Mary Ann. I do like and respect the Mills family though. Cardinale is a joke, has always been in it for himself.

Anonymous said...

I am with 12:25. If you candidate cannot win a primary she has no business running. I am so tired of these committees thinking they can force people down our throats. Open it up and may the best person win. Come primary day if you get your people out you will win and most people will not know or care who the committee picked. Ward five is prime example. The wards are so small each candidate will have the ability to reach out to everyone of the voters in that ward at least once and if they really want the job, more than that. the more choices the better. Cardinale's opinion is meaningless and his support is worthless because in all the ward you are talking about he cannot even vote.