
Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Attorney General Elliot Spitzer endorses Cuomo to be successor

Elliot Spitzer endorsed Andrew Cuomo to be his successor as NYS Attorney General, Spitzer praised Cuomo calling him EXTREMELY QUALIFIED to Partner Against Powerful Interests and Stand Up to Federal Government for All New Yorkers. Elliot Spitzer has been an excellent attorney general and for him to endorse Mr. Cuomo over his opponent means a lot said Blaber, his input will weigh in on all of New Yorkers.

New York State Democratic candidate Andrew Cuomo today received the endorsement of Attorney General Eliot Spitzer. Attorney General Spitzer praised Cuomo’s outstanding record of results taking on the big fights and announced that together they will be a team bringing reforms to New York.

“I spent 8 years of my career building that office- making it stand for the principals I believe in- building an office that dedicated to public service and values the public litigation,” said Eliot Spitzer. “Protecting that office is something I care deeply about. That is why I am standing here today to endorse Andrew for Attorney General. I understand from examining his record and his career that he has what it takes to be Attorney General -- the deep commitment to public service, the litigation of public issues that sometimes put you in unpopular positions. His dedication to law enforcement, to protecting the laws of the state, to representing the governor and the people of New York makes him extremely qualified to be Attorney General. Andrew understands what it takes and has a record that demonstrates the values that will lead him to be a great Attorney General.”

“I am proud to receive the endorsement of Attorney General Eliot Spitzer, far and away one of the best Attorneys General in this state and nation’s history. I look forward to working closely with Governor Spitzer and the Democratic ticket so that we can bring honor, integrity and principle back to government. Together we will level the playing field and balance the scales of justice. Together, we will take back New York.”

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