
Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Paul Van Blarcum wins Independence and Conservative lines

Democrat Paul Van Blarcum defeated challenger Kevin Costello to win both the Independent and Conservative line for the U.C. Sheriff race. The Independents and the conservatives went out and spoke they made a clear choice for who they wanted, they choose Paul Van Blarcum.

Paul who was endorsed by both the conservative party, and independent party, faced Costello in a race full of negative campaigning by the opposing side said Ed Gaddy the Conservative party vice- Chairman this proves they want a clean campaign and a candidate that will stick to the issues not write nasty letters about the process.

There is still an election in November Blaber pointed out not wanting to take anything for granted, I am happy by todays results and I hope we have similar results in November. Now that the primary is over people will start looking at the candidate and there qualifications and what they stand for, Mr. Van Blarcum will defiantly stand out his 30 + years in the U.C. Sheriff dept makes him the more qualified candidate. He knows the department, his opponent does not. Mr. Van Blarcum also has experience as an elected official Blaber pointed out having served on both the Onteora school board and as a Shandakan Councilman. If you stack the qualifications side by side there is simply no comparison.

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