
Sunday, October 15, 2006

Blaber News gives Official 2006 endorsements

With just a few weeks left before the 2006 election it is important that we all get to know who is running and who will do the best job to represent us, I urge everyone to get behind the candidates supported by Blaber News they all have the leadership and experience to be our representatives. Thank you.

Governor : Elliot Spitzer
Elliot has the passion and leadership to be our next governor, during his tenure as AG he fought against crooked business practices and tackled corruption on Wall Street. Elliot has made it his business to stick up for the little guy and will make an excellent governor.

U.S. Senate : Hillary Clinton
Hillary has done wonders for NY in her first term as US Senator and especially in Ulster County, please join with me in supporting Senator Clinton for a second term.

Attorney General : Andrew Cuomo

Andrew's outstanding record of accomplishments as HUD Secretary and at the state and local levels position him to be the most effective Attorney General who will clean up New York's failing Medicaid system, fight corporate polluters, to level the playing field and make government work for all New Yorkers.

Congress: Maurice Hinchey
What can we say about Maurice Hinchey, Hinchey has done such a great job as our congressman and will continue to do so I urge everyone to go out and vote for Maurice and give him another two year term to the US Congress.

NYS comptroller - Allen Hevesi
Allen Hevesi Respected among his peers, quietly supported by unions, business leaders, politicians, and, yes, many newspapers (including the NY Times), Alan has and will continue to work alongside the political and business leadership, and with the workers and their supporters, to move New York forward into the future.

NYS Senate: Christopher McBride
Chris is an experienced attorney with a dedicated history to public service, I know Chris will bring much needed reform to NYS government under the leadership of Elliot Spitzer.

NYS Senate : Susan Zimet
Susan Zimet has tackled the difficult issues that impact the region and the nation as a whole. She fought for the protection of the environment, Choice, fiscal responsibility, creative economic development, common sense public safety priorities, support for veterans and their families, civil rights and equity for all.

NYS Assembly: Kevin Cahill
Kevin has been a breath of fresh air for this area, as our state legislator he has fought for us in Albany on tough issues and brining us tougher results. I am proud to have someone like Kevin Cahill in my corner in Albany.

NYS Assembly: Marc Molinaro
As Mayor Mr. Molinaro has done a great job on a city level and as a Dutchess County legislator he has done a great job on a county level and there is not a doubt in my mind he will do that same great job on a state level.

Ulster County Sheriff : Paul Van Blarcum
Paul Van Blarcum has proven, on every level and in every aspect of his career, that he is a professional who can get the job done. Whether as a town councilman, United Nations public security officer, EMT, member of the board of education or in his 30 years of dedicated service to Ulster County as a member of the Sheriffs Department, his record speaks volumes. Paul promises to join our county legislature majority in bringing about fiscal responsibility in our Ulster County, and I believe he will. In the course of his three decades with the Sheriffs Department, he has worked in virtually every division, earning the respect of his co-workers and fellow officers. This time spent in the trenches uniquely qualifies Paul to step up to the plate and bring a new era of leadership, honesty and integrity to the role of Ulster County Sheriff. I urge you to support this outstanding candidate when you go to the polls this November.

Supreme Court Justice : Karen Peters
Karen continues her efforts to ensure that all individuals have equal access to justice and fights ibipartisanisan manner for equal rights. Her leadership speaks wonders and the people agree as she has been endorsed by paritiesrtys. I look forward to seeing Karen be re-elected to another 11 year term as our supreme court justice.

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