
Friday, October 13, 2006

Jaundiced Alderman refuses to apologize to exonerated Mayor

Alderman Richard Cahill refused to apologize to Mayor Jim Sottile after calling for his resignation alleging Sottile was guilty of Official Misconduct even though District Attorney Don Williams has stated that the Mayor's alleged actions of giving his son extra time do NOT warrant any criminal wrong doing.

Alderman Cahill your comments are outrages and over the top extreme, even the union members who have alleged Sottile broke union rules do not feel he should resign, you owe Mayor Sottile a public apology.

Final Thought : An Open Letter To Alderman Cahill

Dear Mr. Cahill.

Maybe Mr. Alderman it is you who should resign? I am not calling for your resignation but am simply asking that you think about the possibility of stepping down. You clearly have a vendetta against the Mayor and the Democrats that is making it hard to serve the people you were elected by. You have stated that your number 1 goal is the defeat of Jim Sottile more important then serving your constituents. What kind of message is that? Don't respond to this yet take a week or so and think it over, get your priorities in order... Do you want to be mayor? Do you want to slay the dems every week on TV and in the paper ? Or do you want to serve the residents of your ward that put their trust in you. Please do not try to further your political career by short handing the Ward 6 residents that elected you. You can't have it both ways either you are dedicated to your Ward or you are not. An Alderman is defined in Webster's dictionary as a member of a city legislative body governing a specific district, not Rich Cahill's stepping stone to mayor. Please take these thoughts into consideration. Thank you.

Your friend,

Jeremy Blaber


  1. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Cahill apologize? HA HA Sorry but I think everyone knows that's an event that will never take place. First you must realize what you are dealing with here and then you will understand that an apology is NOT an option. Mr. Cahill prides himself on being a "christian" (whatever that means) and persons who are involved with this type of GROUPTHINK are very famous for a couple things. First and foremost is the dillusional denial of SCIENCE and FACTS. They believe in the birth of a baby without sperm,believe Jesus flew back up to heaven to be with his father,(apparently the catholic church still struggles with the whole concept of GRAVITY),the belief that a place called heaven is up above the clouds(NO JEWS or MUSLIMS ALLOWED of course,unless they denounce their own silly religion and join forces with the one true fairy tale of chritianity). They pride themselves on being HYPOCRITES,against birth control but they use it,divorce is a NO NO but many like being married three or four times,(helps protect the SANCTITIY OF MARRIAGE). Are absolutely against abortion,unless of course one of their daughters,mistresses or wives needs one,in that case they simply cruise out of state and have this medical prcedure done and then simply return and go to church and thank their INVISIBLE FRIEND! They have a deep and righteous concern for the "unborn" plasma that a woman carries in her womb yet could give a darn about their fellow humans here in our country who might need their help. (Afterall where does this end?) Have no interest in health care for Americans(Costly socialism that we can't afford LOL)yet now are in favor of helping Japan build a NUCLEAR WAREHOUSE at the staggering cost of $220 billion dollars! They purchase books written by Ann Thepuker Coulter and Sean Exorcism Hannity. They compare a deranged sociopathic congressman who has an affection for 15 year old male butts to President Clinton engaging in oral sex with a 23 year old female. One could go on and on all day describing these types but why bother when all we have to do is listen to Debbie Wassermann Schultz and simply pound them into the ground on November 7th! I mean let's be serious if the Repukelikkens are so concerned about TERROR and the threat North Korea poses why didn't they call for a SPECIAL SUNDAY night session of Congress if they were so OUTRAGED! Surely this test of a nuclear weapon(still not confirmed)is as important as TERRI SCHIAVO and the surrounding of a Hospice in Florida by lunatics who compared Michael Schiavo to one of Hitler's henchmen. All one has to do is simply think back to the "Auschwitz Florida" sign that was carried around by these psychotics and you then get a better idea of what you are dealing with. So you can see Mr. Cahill is NOT going to apologize,yet all is not lost as I have come up with a very nice compromise.

    Here it is....Mr Sottile accepts the fact that Cahill is not gonna take back his words in exchange for Cahill agreeing to shut down his show and remove himself from the airwaves the next time himself or his father mention the old post office that used to be on broadway! (AN event that occured about 2 months after corinthians was written)

  2. Wow... that was a very impressive act of bigotry Letsbserious.

    Get to know a few Christians... you might find we're really not as bad as you think.


  3. Anonymous7:46 PM

    Lets be real....The Mayor of the City of Kingston has NOT been exonerated. It would appear that he has broken the CSEA Union contract with the men and women of this City all for the sake of his son...and of course, for his "love of the city". The Union has done is filing and the process will most likely reveal that that he is guilty of breaking the contract. What is amazing is that even those who often come to his defense are slow to act this time. Of course, this process and what appears to be misjudgements by the Mayor will cost city taxpayers more money by compensating the rank and file.

    Mr. Blaber, next time you ought to wait until the process is complete before saying that someone is exonerated.

  4. I'm STILL trying to figure out why this mayor warned Kingston residents to NOT attend the "Rally Against Violence" last November 19!

    See here:

    You're either for violence...or you're AGAINST violence!

  5. Anonymous1:46 PM

    I do believe it is time you start to form your own opinions. Just because the mayor says he didn't do anything wrong, doesn't mean its the truth. it is obvious that the contract was violated, and if you were one of the employees that was overlooked and had to support a family, you would see why a part time summertime employee shouldn't be given preferential treatment. The union workers and representatives didn't approve the mayors son to work additonal hours, they are defending thier right to work and the contract that your mayor signed. Why would you say the union president should resign? Because he is doing his job? If you were part of that union, and your boss took advantage of you, wouldn't you want a man like him on you side? I commend him and the men and women of the dpw. This situation is NOT THIER FAULT!!!!This is not to say that the mayors son isnt a hard worker, its that we already have contracted employees to that are intitled to overtime if the situation requires it. To say that there was donated time is a ridiculous statement!!!!! Jamie is was paid weekly for his time and is going to be paid over $3500.00 for the hours he worked that are in question, and the taxpayers of this city are going to be penalized by having to compensate all of the dpw employees an additional vacation day...Do the math jeremy, that can't be cheap!!! At a time when your mayor is going to raise my property taxes another 5-7% it certainly isnt a good time to be giving more money to employees that haven't had to work to earn it. It was his bad judgement and mistake that caused all of these problems, not Rich Cahill, not Lenny Walker and ceratinly not any taxpayers.. this was a blatant disregard for the contract that your mayor agreed to, you need to take off the blinders and realize that a mistake was made and was recognized by a few men that are concerned with accountability. The CEO fo any company is always where the buck stops! If this were a private sector job and this occured, some heads would roll, due to the financial repercussions. But because this issue will be paid by the taxpayer and not the responsible party, a simple apology will suffice, and it will be water under the bridge. Someday i hope you will begin to see that just because someone says the are a democrat, republican or any other party affilliate, doesnt mean you jump on thier bandwagon and defend them even when they are at fault for any type of misconduct, it makes you look like you have no regard for the truth or well being of this city. For once I would love to hear you come up with your own assessment of a situation, not what the democrat is qusetion is saying. As a aspiring public figure, who wants to be heard, you need to look further then democrat and republicans. Sometimes even the most innocent ideas that mean no harm, can turn out ugly. It is at this time that a good politician or business man will make two decisions, admit your mistake, apologize and move on, or make the problem be everyone else's fault and point fingers. The second option will always stir the pot and make bigger issues. I would suggest you learn to make your own opions and base future arguments on the facts, not personal feelings.I will leave you with an old saying my grandfather taught me as a young man starting my own business years ago.."The fish stinks from the head". Learn this and understand it and make your own decisions on the facts, not what someone says because they are a democrat.....

  6. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Your own poll shows that the majority of people polled think Sottile did something wrong. Looks like you lose on this one.


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