
Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Sue Zimet Picks Up Steam

Sue Zimet the democratic candidate for the NYS Senate in the 42nd district has picked up steam with just a week left before the election. Her opponent who has out spent her by a 2 to 1 ratio has resorted to negative campaining and destorting the facts but that is not fooling most voters said one town resident who said " We want a change Bonicic has failed us, we want someone that will work hard for us someone like Sue Zimet." Sir, I could not have said it better myself. Sue Zimet has the experiance and leadership to bring much needed reform to New York. I urge all voters to join me in standing with Sue Zimet on November 7th, Sue will bring a breath of fresh air to New York state government.

Susan Zimet is endorsed by:
NYS Attorney General Eliot Spitzer
US Congressman Maurice Hinchey
NYS Senate Minority Leader David Paterson
NYS Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther
NYS Assemblyman Kevin Cahill
Citizen Action
The Sierra Club
NY EdPacLeague of Conservation Voters
Empire State Pride Agenda
Teamsters Local 445
Teamsters Local 693
Ulster County Democratic Women
Poughkeepsie Journal
Latino Democratic Committee of Orange County

U.S. Congressman Maurice D. Hinchey:

"Susan Zimet has tackled the difficult issues that impact the region and the nation as a whole. She fought for the protection of the environment, Choice, fiscal responsibility, creative economic development, common sense public safety priorities, support for veterans and their families, civil rights and equity for all. She is a partner I know I can count on in Albany."

New York State Attorney General Eliot Spitzer:

"A Democratic majority in the New York State Senate is critical to reforming Albany. Susan Zimet's record demonstrates the political courage and will that is essential in Albany. As a two-term county legislator, and previously as town supervisor, she has battled Albany's unfunded mandates and fought for accountability from state and local government. As Governor, I am counting on the voters of the 42nd District to elect Susan Zimet to the New York State Senate."

Senate Minority Leader David Paterson:

"Susan Zimet will bring a much needed blast of fresh air to the New York State Senate. Her passion and commitment to effective and honest government will well serve the residents of the Hudson Valley and New York State. She understands what it means to work together, with both sides of the aisle, upstate and downstate, to achieve common sense solutions to the difficult challenges facing the state."

New York State Assembly Member Kevin Cahill:

"Susan Zimet is a tremendous leader, who for the past decade, has worked diligently for the future of the Hudson Valley and for the New York families who call our community home. I look forward to working with her in Albany on important issues that she and I care about, from expanded healthcare coverage and affordable higher education and job opportunities for our residents, to safeguarding our environment and creating sound economic development initiatives. Susan Zimet will make a great New York State Senator and I encourage the voters to support her."

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:47 PM

    Today, 3 Democratic supervisors endorsed Se. Bonacic, including Jeremy Wilbur from the most heavily democratic towns in the county, Woodstock. If Zimet can't even get endorsed in Woodstock, she's doomed.
    -Republican Avenger... VOTE GOP in 2006!!! DOWN WITH THE SOCIALIST DEMOCRATIC PIGS!!!!!!


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