
Thursday, November 02, 2006

Richard Cahill: Wrong for Kingston, Wrong for the 6th Ward

ABC : Anyone But Cahill.

In Mr.Cahill's short 10 month tenure as Alderman he has failed Kingston and failed the people of the sixth ward. The good thing is we probably only have 14 months left of Cahill's failed leadership. The bad thing we still have 14 months left of Cahill's failed leadership.

A record of UN-accomplishment

- Vowed to vote against wayside horns so that residents in his ward could have a descent nights rest

- Voted against an anti-graffiti bill that would require prompt removal of graffiti in the City of Kingston

- Voted against FREE City wide high speed internet access that would make it possible for all city residents to have free high speed internet including the people who can't afford it....Were not all lawyers, why does Mr. Cahill dislike the poor?

- Failed to bring in security cameras for Colonial Gardens after he promised residents he would do so.

- Called for Mayor James Sottile's resignation and accused him of breaking the law even though D.A. Williams said no law was broken.

- Stated on his self proclaimed Number 1 tv show that the number one goal was the defeat of Jim Sottile and the democrats, more important then his constituents.

- Claims to be a union supporter but when given an opportunity to chair the parking commission he opted to cut the union out and go after a privatized parking plan.....Flip Flop.

Richard Cahill Wrong for Kingston, Wrong for Ward 6


  1. Anonymous12:04 PM

    It's obvious he is the WRONG Cahill for Kingston. Thankfully, we have another Cahill (no relation) from Kingston representing us in Albany. I know a few people who gave Mr. Cahill a chance in the last election for alderman by voting for him, but next time, they will vote for whoever the democrats nominate. Hopefully, Alderman Cahill will realize what a disgrace his tenure has been and will simply resign, allowing our great Mayor to appoint someone who will work FOR the people of the ward, instead of being a renegade Cowboy, like George Bush, and alienating everyone in the process. Cahill and Bush are alot alike. The people of the 6th ward deserve better....and next year....they will get better. RA

  2. Anonymous3:52 PM

    I think Mr. Cahill is an excellent Alderman. You are distorting his record, Mr. Blaber. You should be ashamed of yourself.

  3. Everything their is fact...I understand he would like to think that I am distorting his record because he is ashamed of it.

  4. Anonymous8:11 PM

    the other Cahill is busy in bar fights with the chairman


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