
Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Blaber News person of the Month : Howard Dean

Blaber News person of the week our great chairman Howard Dean. Democrats have taken both the house and congress because of Dean's ideas and 50 state plan. He was right from the begining in calling this war a mistake and asking in a change of course. The Bush administration has a lot of good slogans... "Stay the course," "cut and run," how about STOP AND THINK. I am glad to have someone like Howard Dean that does just that.

A message from Howard Dean:

The American people sent a clear message for a new direction. Voting for hope and opportunity, they rejected the Republican culture of corruption and the politics of fear and smear. Democratic candidates ran strong campaigns, worked hard, and offered the American people a clear choice and a strong vision for a new direction based on the priorities of the American people. The American voters also sent a message to Democrats that if we show up, work hard and ask for their vote, we can win in any part of the country.

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