
Friday, November 10, 2006

Blaber calls for City Budget Cuts

Jeremy Blaber called for budget cuts in the proposed City of Kingston budget saying that 5 percent is simply unacceptable. Blaber would not play politics pointing fingers at who was to blame for the increase. Blaber stated things need to be cut. Mayor Sottile has done a diligent job developing this budget now it is the councils responsibility to get the budget in check.

People just can't afford a 5 percent increase we have seniors on fixed incomes that are property rich and income poor. They feel the pinch when it comes to the rise of property taxes. It is the city's responsibility to work to develop a budget that is affordable for taxpayers. While Blaber said no increase would be ideal he admitted it is not realistic. It's tough it gets to a point their is only so much you can cut. I think this council can get the budget down to 3 percent and still have a budget that can work for both the city and the taxpayers.

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