
Sunday, November 12, 2006


Alderman Richard Cahill is going after business once again. He has came out against a local gas station (quickchek) that wants to take shop in Kingston's sixth ward. Not only would this store create much needed jobs but would make life easier and more convenient for people in his ward. It seems to me Rich Cahill does not care about people in his ward.

What bothers people is not just the fact that Alderman Cahill opposes this project but that he is such a hypocrite about the whole thing. He says one thing and does the other. He claims to be pro-union but then develops a plan for parking meters that leaves union workers hungry. He claims to be pro-business but is opposing new development in his own ward.

Give Alderman Cahill a much needed reality check and remind him that he is a public servant answerable to the people. Contact Alderman Cahill and tell him that we want business in the city of Kingston. Tell him not to use his position to bully companies around.

Hon. Richard Cahill Jr.
85 Manor Place
Kingston NY 12401


home 845-338-7982


  1. Anonymous10:54 PM

    For once you make sense, Blabber!! I think Alderman Cahill has ben smoking some of the crack that the thugs are selling at the Sunoco on Foxhall Ave (in his ward). Here you have a business that will be providing jobs and much needed revenue, as well as providing a NEW gasoline company to the area, which will drive down gas prices at the surrounding Stewart's, Citgo, and that Sunoco, where Cahill is buying his crack. Perhaps Alderman Cahill is recieving illegal kickbacks from the other gas stations in a collusive effort to keep prices higher, all the while, pocketing the kickbacks to fund the crack purchases. I can't see any other reason why a republican would be against new business?? Good post, Blabber!!!!

  2. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Mr. Blaber, if you attend tonight's Planning Board meeting at 6pm in the Common Council chambers, you will learn that the OVERWHELMING majority of Roosevelt Park residents oppose the Quick Chek Mart plan vehemently.

    As their Alderman, I choose to represent their opinions. Perhaps you should check your facts before unleashing a political tirade.

    Alderman Richard Cahill

  3. Note: I was unable to attend the planning meeting as I was unaware of it. Alderman Cahill's post and all others were recieved today 11-18-06. After the comment portion of this site was down for a week.


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