
Thursday, November 02, 2006

Woerner Praised by U.S.Senator Clinton

At a recent appearance in the town of Ulster, Senator Hillary Clinton praised Nick Woerner for his leadership and public service to the town.

"You start them young here, " she said, referring to the 22-year-old Woerner.
'' My goodness. I am pretty impressed."


  1. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Having Hillary praise you is like getting a pat on the back from Satan him/herself. We Conservatives out here in Ulster dispise Clinton, but support Nick. So far he's been doing a good job. It would be "Wise" for the Supervisor to keep his distance from that socialist vermin if he wants our support next year again, though!

  2. Anonymous2:20 PM

    The so-called "conservatives" in Ulster should be ashamed. Supporting Woerner and his crew over the Republican candidates was a big mistake.

    Show me just one of their conservative values. Can you?

    Are any the endorsed candidates supporting or even talking about the following?

    Right to Life?
    Anti Stem Cell research?
    Same sex marriage legislation?
    2nd amendment rights?
    Parental rights?
    Property rights?
    Death Penalty?
    Abstenance vs. Birth Control?
    School Vouchers?
    These are TRUE conservative issues.

    Call them on it. See what they say!

    You can fool some of the people some of the time! Time will tell in Ulster.


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