
Sunday, February 25, 2007

Jeremy Blaber for Kingston School Board

Dear Friend,

Last week on my show on public access television, my guest was a member of the Kingston School Board, Daniel Gartenstien, Esq. During the show we discussed Trustee Gartenstein's five-year tenure on the Kingston School Board, as well as many other school board issues. Mr. Gartenstein also mentioned that this year he would not seek re-election and would instead focus more time to his law practice and his family. Mr. Gartenstein, who had contacted me previously about running for a seat on the school board, made public his hope that I throw my hat into the race to succeed him. I am honored that Mr. Gartenstein would think of me and while I tip-toed around the issue last Monday, I am proud to say I am going to run for a seat on the Kingston School Board.

I have always thought of serving on the Kingston School Board at some point in my life, but with going to school full time as well as working, I was not sure how to fit it in my schedule. With a few class changes and a different job, I have found a way and it could not come at a better time. There are a lot of important issues facing the board right now and I believe I have a wealth of information and ideas that will be beneficial to the school community.

In the next few weeks I will review the proposed budget for the district for the upcoming fiscal year. Additionally, I would like to make appointments at all 14 schools in the district and meet with faculty, staff, administration and possibly students to see what concerns are facing them and what improvements they would like to see happen and what currently is working and what is not working. I would also like to meet with Superintendent Gretzinger to discuss what he envisions for the future of Kingston City Schools.

Please join me for this exciting adventure, I welcome any thoughts, or suggestions you may have. Feel free to contact me by phone or e-mail anytime, details below.

Jeremy K. Blaber
(H) 845-331-4130
(C) 845-532-1503


  1. Anonymous4:40 PM

    What is your position on the new High School proposal? If it resurfaces again, would you vote to move KHS?

  2. Anonymous2:25 AM

    Congrats and good luck. I will vote for you. Your a good kid do NOT lose sight of the issues because of politics. You can be the future of this community and I expect big things out of you and Woerner.

    - Greg Hamilton

  3. Anonymous10:36 PM

    Like the first commentor, I would also like your position on moving the high school. When it was a "hot button" issue a few months back, Mayor Sottile seemed to be indifferent, or actually in favor of a move out of Kingston (a comment that I am sure the business owners on Broadway were very happy about!). Since it seems you are never able to have an idea different from the Mayor, I assume, unless you tell me otherwise, that you would agree with his previous opinion.

  4. Anonymous10:42 PM

    I must question whether Mr. Hamilton actually has an alias, with the initials "JB," since he also, like the "original poster" does not seem to ever spell "you're" correctly, and must be reading someone else's blog. I see a person who never is able to separate issues and politics. I have been a life-long Democrat, but I am not deaf, dumb, and blind, and thank God, I do have a brain and can do my own thinking. Thank you Wizard of Oz!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Anonymous4:15 PM

    During last year's school board election, you came out in favor of moving the High School. Now, when you're a candidate, you switch? Give us a break.

  7. There are many reasons why I have changed my mind, none of which have anything to do with my candidacy. I will explain in further detail during the campaign.

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