
Friday, March 02, 2007

Alderman Cahill rules out running for mayor

Alderman Cahill has ruled out running for Kingston Mayor. Hooray!

The question is what will he do now?

Will he run for City Judge? Will he run for Alderman?

Take his poll at : Alderman Cahill's website

Do we really care? Rich Cahill will run for Alderman. The press was nice and he enjoyed every bit of it. We all say the headlines : What will he run for? The suspense was killing us all..right? Not me! Rich Cahill will announce in about two weeks that he is flattered the people want him to run for higher office, but that he feels their is more to be done in ward 6...or something along those lines.



  1. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Your comments are interesting, Jeremy, especially in light of the fact that you have said to me repeatedly over the last few weeks that you "know" that I am running for Judge. Now, you claim to "know" I am running for Alderman.

    I have not decided what I will do, but will make the announcement in the next two weeks or so.

  2. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Lucky for J. Sottile....he can breathe easier now. Don't ever think the great Jimster wasn't really worried about a mayoral run against the feisty Minority Leader. Why do you think he says such nasty things about Cahill and tries to stop him at every turn? Sottile, dumb though he might be, realizes that Kingston voters are sick and tired of his ineffective leadership and recognize Cahill's potential. It's a shame Cahill opted out of the race, leaving us the specter of Good Ol Boy Jimmy for another term.
    Zippy TWC

  3. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Richard Cahill Jr and Sr. legends in their own minds(?)

    I remember down on Broadway, Epsteins store, they used to sell stuff there... and there were some good ball players there too,Why can't Kingston be like it was when was a kid back in 1940! Ole' Vince Deluca, I go there for my dry cleaning... now theres a ball player..............

  4. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Seems like Rich Cahill Jr. is losing his game of musical chairs!Republican Mike Bruhn Jr. announced Tuesday evening to the city GOP Committee that he's running for City Court Judge and all indicatrions are that the city GOP will throw it's support behind Bruhn.

    If Cahill wants to stay in the game he'll have to settle for his seat on the council.

  5. Anonymous7:35 PM

    What indication is there of GOP support for Bruyn or for Cahill for that matter? Now, you are making up stuff.

  6. Anonymous6:58 PM

    No Sottile can take the summer and fall off. The GOP has no one to take him on..... Oh no they do



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