
Monday, March 12, 2007

Are you kidding me? Pharisaical alderman goes zany on Sottile

Alderman Richard Cahill talks about how we should all work together and not attack one another, he stated in his Minority speech that we should stop the in fighting and name calling. Yet today in The Daily Freeman who is playing politics and making baseless attacks on the opposition? You guessed it, Alderman Cahill! Their is a story about mold being in the city of Kingston court house, it is an unfortunate situation, and is going to cost the city a lot of money to repair. You would think Alderman Cahill (a.k.a. the saint) would try to find solutions to correct the problem, like Mayor Sottile has, no such luck. Instead he blasts the city's chief executive saying "Ultimately, Sottile should be held accountable. Just another example of why we need a change in leadership. The buck stops with him." Are you kidding me? Mayor Sottile is responsible for mold growth? I am simply in disbelief, how can anyone make such a harebrained comment. Come on, when does it stop? This just in : Mayor Sottile was responsible for it being so windy at the parade yesterday.


  1. Anonymous7:44 AM

    leave it to cahole...only a child like him could politicize a crisis like this. most normal people want solutions and results, all this weasle cares about is republicans defeating democrats, or actually, promoting his own career! what balls to talk about running for mayor or judge after one year.

  2. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Using big words means only that you have bought a thesaurus, nothing else. Nevertheless, Cahill is right. Sottile should have hired a project manager to oversee the project. Instead, he has two city workers with zero experience as engineers?? Is it any wonder that we have a problem? The bottom line is that the city cut corners and is paying for it. Sottile should have appointed more experienced people to oversee the project.

  3. Anonymous10:26 AM

    I don’t remember Cahill saying in his Minority report that he agreed to roll over and play dead whenever the city government officials said or did something unconscionable. The City can’t have a free ride, doing whatever it dam well chooses with no consequences. It’s time the residents hear about all the under-the-rug nonsense going on here. For many years there was no one who would take the City officials to task. I’m glad someone has the courage to stand up for what’s right. Cahill needs our support. Every city resident should be like Network’s Howard Beal, shouting “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take this anymore!” Go to the polls; vote Sottile and his lackeys out.

    As far as the mold problem, if a homeowner had the same situation, you’d better believe he/she would be looking to see who was at fault!
    The mayor, as chief city official, needs to act responsibly. He put a couple of people in charge of small portions of a remodel who had no experience in any facet of the project, and in so doing was asking for trouble. There should have been a construction project manager chosen from the private sector who could foresee problems, complete the work in a timely and cost-effective manner, and guarantee the work should problems arise at a later date. Now that there is a mold issue, the Mayor is scrambling around, behaving like an elementary schooler, whining, “It’s not my fault! I didn’t do it” It’s not me!” Suck it up mayor. The proverbial buck stops at your desk.
    Zippy TWC

  4. Anonymous9:38 AM

    you know you should see someone about your obcession with Cahill!
    What's your problem?

  5. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Cut the blame game and fix it,
    I beleive this project was engineered, designed and started under Mayor Gallo, Mayor Sottile inherited this project after it was substantially underway


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