
Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Rumor has it : D.A. Williams not seeking re-election

Rumor has it Don Williams will not seek re-election to another term as district attorney. A source close to the D.A. said today that Mr.Williams would not run again but would not elaborate on why he is choosing to back out. Personally, I like Don Williams and if in fact this rumor is true, I thank him for his service to our community. However, with Don Williams out of the picture, Jon Sennett is now the front-runner to become the next District Attorney of Ulster County.
Note: This is just a rumor, Don Williams has not said publicly what he is doing. Up until this point, I was very confident Williams was running again for re-election.


Again, Don Williams, is a good guy and has served this county proudly. I have not always agreed with him but his heart was always in the right place. I thank him for his service to our great county.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Anyone who would go on 'TAXCHEATER
    TV' and play up to Gordan Webb would not get my vote. Williams
    was a bad DA a BS artist to the upmost. Maybe he can go into practice with Art Kahn?

    The Bookworm


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