
Thursday, April 26, 2007

School Board Vote

Jeremy Blaber became an official candidate for the Kingston School Board yesterday, and he is asking for your support in the upcoming election. I'm running because I feel my ideas are the best for the district, and I am the candidate that will be the most effective. I will move forward in a progressive manner, and do what is best for the students and teachers of the district. I also ask that you vote YES on the budget; it is a good budget and one that is fiscally responsible. For more information on the budget click this link ----> Kingston School Board Budget

I also ask that in addition to voting for myself that you support Kathy Germain.

If you have any questions or need a ride to the polls contact me at :, or reach me by phone at 532-1503.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:18 AM


    You've come along way, I remember your first show, and I look at you now and I'm proud. You and I will be friends forever win or lose. We don't all win our first one..I know. You can do it, stay strong and give em' hell.

    -Your Mentor


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