
Thursday, April 26, 2007

Walker's mud throwing rant on Council President Jim Noble

Lenny Walker announced he would run for Alderman- at-Large this week and did so going on the attack, no surprise. First, Alderman Walker stated he is running for Alderman- at-Large VS. running for mayor because the 75k position would be a 30 thousand dollar pay cut for him. Real reason : He knows Rich Cahill would defeat him 2:1 in a GOP primary, and if he faced Sottile he would loose by an even wider margin. Just so you know, this guy tells anyone who listens how much money he makes, including showing people his pay stubs. He went further to say that Council President Jim Noble does not do enough and is too tied in with the mayor on key issues. Walker also accused Jim Noble, the most honest and non-political politician you will ever meet, of using his position to keep his nephew and niece employed with the city. How low can someone go?

Attacking a persons family, urrgh... the man has no class. I believe last time I checked Walker has a daughter that is employed as a Council Page. Walker has a tendency of attacking peoples families, first with the Mayor's son and now with Council President Noble. It will be interesting how Rich Cahill reacts to this. Cahill who promised a clean campaign now has a running mate that is taking personal shots at their opposition in the paper.

Having your cake and eating it too - Get this Lenny switched parties and became a Republican a few weeks back. He is now running with Cahill as a Republican for Alderman-at- Large, but since his registration does not take effect till Jan 1, he is going to primary Jim Noble for the Democratic line. Folks, this is more proof of Lenny's shamelessness.


  1. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Lenny is the biggest, loudest, most unscrupulous (outside of little dick, of course) dumbest horse's patoot this city has seen. And with what he's doing now, you can add sleazy to his long list of descriptions. But at the end of the day, it won't matter, cuzz voters will be laughing at this jerk all the way to the voting booth, when they pull the lever for Noble.

  2. Anonymous9:45 AM

    He must be doing something right to upset you this much. Plus, he's right. The Alderman at Large should be more aggressive. Lastly, the comments about the scandal against Jimmy's son was NOT an attack against his family. It was an attack against the illegal acts committed by Jim Sottile. He broke the union contract and Lenny called him on it.

  3. Anonymous12:07 PM

    to the person who made the first comment: You are a pig.... AND wrong as well!

  4. Anonymous3:33 PM

    It would appear that the first anonymous poster is the owner of the KingstonFishBowl website that was recently closed down.

  5. Anonymous7:43 PM

    It would appear that the posters other than number one are little dick - best part about lenny's horse hockey is the fact that HIS DAUGHTER WORKS FOR THE CITY -

  6. Anonymous9:28 AM

    I don't see Cahill calling someone a pig. He generally has a better vocabulary

  7. Anonymous6:06 AM

    yeah for a pig, cahole has a good vocabulary


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