
Monday, May 28, 2007

Clark trys to make funny website..

Clark Richter's is under the assumption that I am behind The Kingston Fish Bowl, a site that he dislikes as do I, so what does he do? He makes a nasty website about me. Which is a little humorous but inappropriate and disgusting nonetheless. People can check out Mr.Richter's blog at : Nasty Blog.

I don't talk to Clark or have any dealings with him, why he chooses to attack me is beyond me. However, I have run for public office, I run a blog, and host a public access t.v. show. Therefore I'm subject to criticism, that's fine.

Please feel free to E-mail Clark about his new blog at : and tell him how you feel. Personally, I couldn't care less but to run a blog that has a sexual explicit title and attacks based on nonsence and not facts is in poor taste. I welcome any time Mr.Richter's wants to discuss the issues with me, the simple reality is he can't do it. Can you really expect anything more for a self described gadfly? Gadfly according to Webster's Dictionary : A persistent irritating critic; a nuisance. That fits Mr. Richter's in every sense of the word.


  1. clark is a security guard at the libary you would think with all those books he would pick one up and educate himself hes here just to stir up trouble what a waste

  2. dont worry about this waste of of a guy jeremy your a young smart guy thats going some where and hes not hes attacking you because hes jealous of you clark do everyone a favor and buzz off

  3. cahill said you got suspended from your show is that true you really cant trust what cahill says

  4. Anonymous6:13 PM

    yeah clark is a security guard there at the library and he is also doing part-time work for the city i for cahole the guy lies as easy as he breathes...

  5. Yes, I was suspended pending a hearing. However, I did nothing wrong and will be back on after a hearing. The whole complaint is ridiculous, I had to force my way into the cabinet to fix the phone system. There is a tape that shows me going into the cabinet and fixing the phone. No one denies it, but they want a hearing anyway. The commission picks and choses what it takes action upon and what it lets slide.

    The commission has absolutely no credibility, they let people who solicit money on tv, a violation of state law, get away without consequence. I help fix the phone system because the chair is out of town, and can't fix the phone. What do I get for it? a slap in the face.

  6. Anonymous11:36 AM

    yeah meantime the 'commission' lets rage-aholic Phil the Phelon stay on the air even though he's asking for money. what a joke


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