
Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Going back Zimet/ Spitzer Ad

I must say I love YouTube! There are some great is another bittersweet video back when Sue Zimet ran for State Senate. The senate missed out on a good leader in Albany. It's a good promo nonetheless.


  1. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Thank God she didn't win. Did you ever "talk" (more like listen) to her? She is so self absorbed it is sickening. We don't need more egomaniacs in Albany,there are enough there already.

  2. Yes, Sue is a good friend of mine, I've talked to her on countless occasions. Egomaniac is the total opposite of Sue Zimet! She is a true community leader. The senate would be lucky to have her.

  3. Anonymous9:59 PM

    Jeremy, Zimet spends most of her time talking about herself, she's in love with herself. She's a lightweight who will never win a race outside of New Paltz. In Albany she's known as a throwaway candidate. Zimet=Loser, nothing you say will change the public's perception of her.

  4. Anonymous10:52 PM

    Zimet lost far and square. There is a good reason for that. Bonicac is a great Senator. Voters are not stupid.

  5. Anonymous1:49 AM

    Don't be silly Sue Zimet is a caring individual who cares about the people of U.C. She won Ulster County by the way! Zimet is in a very good position to run for County Executive. She would be a great County Exec!

  6. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Zimet as County Executive? Are you drunk? She is the same person who tried to get John Parete, YOUR County Democratic Elections Commissioner fired. I have no respect for a person who abandons the people who helped her attain what ever level of success she has had. She is a very ungrateful and selfish person.

    If Eliot Spitzer knew that she was going to try and take out his good friend John Parete, you would not have that commercial to post on your webpage.

  7. Anonymous5:26 PM

    I'm not a Democrat, I'm a registered member of the WFP. I support Susan in any office she seeks.

  8. Anonymous9:40 PM

    Ms. Zimet ran an awful campaign. Sure, it was an uphill battle but she raised a boatload of money and really should have been a lot more competitive in a district where Democrats out-number Republicans. She bragged that her race was the only one that Spitzer sent his own campaign staff in to manage. Do you think she ever came to the realization that Spitzer took over the campaign because he could not fathom how poor she was faring in the polls?

  9. Anonymous12:47 PM

    I had heard that Spitzer came in and basically cleaned house. He knew he needed that winnable seat to control the Senate and he was not winning it.

    They booted all the local ineffective people out the door and brought in pros. It was too late. Zimet can think Spitzer's help was because she was such a good candidate all she wants, but the real deal is, it was all about gaining control of the Senate.

    He would have done the same thing for ANY Democrat in the district who was not pulling their own weight.

  10. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Zimet lovers claim she won Ulster County in the Senate race. NOT TRUE ----The City of Kingston and some towns were not in the Bonicic district.

    I'm really becoming distrubed by the picks of the working families party. They will die off like most third party lines run by one or two people.


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