
Sunday, May 20, 2007

Mixed Bag

Pat Caroll - Charlie Landi will not have a walk in the park against Pat Caroll, I had the opportunity to meet with Mr.Caroll last night at '' Fight Night", a very good and well attended boxing event put on by Aaron Fitzgerald of the KPD, and I was very impressed by him. Don't be surprised if Pat Caroll is the next 3rd ward alderman.

Hugh Reynolds - Wrote a very nice piece about me in the Daily Freeman on Saturday, I appreciate his kind words, and he is right I will be back. I have full intentions of running for the Kingston School Board next year. For now I will do what I enjoy doing most, helping others get elected to public office.

Rich Cahill- Speaking of fight night, Rich Cahill did a descent job as the ring announcer for the event. After November, when he's looking for employment he may want to team up with Micheal Buffer. I was very impressed.

Nick Woerner- As far as rumors flying around about a possible Democratic primary for the Ulster Supervisor....lets make it very clear who we should be supporting. We need to support a person that will move Ulster in a positive direction, and work hard for all residents in the town, a person that the people can depend on. No matter who runs we need to support proven leadership in the Town of Ulster. Nick Woerner, Nick Woerner, Nick Woerner.


  1. why wasnt there anything about fight night in saturday or sundays paper? did i miss it

  2. I'm not sure the Freeman covered it. The Kingston Times was there.

  3. thanks jeremy iam sorry i didnt get to see it i had to work.also iam glad the tonic will not be able to renew there permit . its always a mess in front of that place after the weekend


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