
Saturday, May 19, 2007

Play nice

I got a call from Brian Woltman the other day over some comments made on this website about him. The comments have been very derogatory, and slanderous. I published them because I made a policy to accept all comments, but please try to be courteous. Mr. Woltman is not a public official, although he is a public employee, and therefore subject to criticism if warranted that is not the case however.

Facts :

Mr. Woltman is NOT behind The Kingston Fish Bowl

Mr. Woltman has never left a comment on my website that has attacked any public official

My father would say : If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all.


  1. Anonymous10:09 PM

    Compared to what he posted on the Fishbowl site, the comments on this blog are mild.

  2. Again, Mr. Woltman is not behind the Fishbowl.

  3. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Sure he is. He bragged about it all over town. He's just denying it because of the heat he generated.

  4. I'd like to challenge the 7:46 AM anonymous poster to identify by name one person that I supposedly bragged to regarding the above mentioned website.

    Failing that the anonymous poster will owe me an apology for spreading lies about me.

  5. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Woltman posts all that filthy stuff on your site

  6. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Me thinks Mr. Woltman doth protest too much. Just admit it, Brian. We all know it was you.

  7. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Unless someone comes up with proof of Brian's involvement, then it is all rumor mongering. Either put up the proof or shut up.

  8. You have inspired me to start back up the fish bowl! No, I'm not Brian Woltman.

  9. Anonymous7:30 AM

    You can end all the speculation by telling us who you are. By not doing so, you allow people to believe that you are Brian.

  10. Anonymous10:03 AM

    little dick really has it in for brian, doesn't he?

  11. Anonymous7:54 PM

    If you are not Mr. Woltman, then why are you allowing him to take the brunt of the criticism for YOUR stupidity? Are you really going to let Mr. Woltman have his reputation sullied because you are a coward and unwilling to identify yourself.

    I disagree with Jeremy almost every time. But, I respect the fact that he is willing to put his name behain whatever he says.

  12. To the person who saw the young lady being beaten by a gang....what action did YOU take? Did you go over to stop it and help her? Did you get the bus number? Did YOU call the school district with the information? Did YOU call the police? I hope you did.....this is the ONLY way these sort of issues will be addressed. Please respond and make me feel a bit better by knowing that you did more than complain on this site.


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