
Monday, June 11, 2007

An 8 year disappointment

Is anyone else upset with the abrupt way the Sopranos ended? Really... if I was not at a guest in someones home at the time, I might have thrown something at the television set. For those of you who recorded it and have not saw it yet, I will not give away the ending. But, I think people will agree it was an awful way to end what is arguable the best drama series in the history of television.

For those of you thinking... Jeremy is talking about the Sopranos? What is the political connection? Is Tony Soprano running for District Attorney, or did Pauly Walnuts announce for County Exec? The simple answer is there is no connection. I started this "blog'' about a year and a half ago and sold it off as more of a political website. Someone said to me recently that this should be a forum to express my daily thoughts and give people an opportunity to learn about Jeremy Blaber. After I thought about it more I agreed....who wouldn't want to know about me? So I'm going to do stories about Blaber the person as well as Blaber the political junkie. I welcome any thoughts and ideas that people may have. Even from the people who tell me to shut the blog down because they hate it! Well, if they really hated it then they wouldn't come on here everyday. Deep down, people like Clark Richters and Rich Cahill, love my progressive thoughts. And I'm happy to accommodate them.


  1. Anonymous12:55 AM


    Please run for the council and take out Bobby Senor!

  2. Anonymous3:30 PM

    You dope!! Blaber lives in Reynolds' ward!!


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