
Monday, June 11, 2007

Williams, betrayed by GOP, drops out of Kingston Judge race

Donald Williams, the current retiring D.A., has backed out of his bid for Kingston City Judge. Williams lost his bid for the Republican nomination getting trounced by J. Micheal Bruhn Jr., at the Republican convention. But, why? Why, would the Republican party abandon the highest elected official that they have? It's not like Williams is unelectable, while he has never really faced off in a contested political race, he is still very popular and would have given Gilpatric a better run for his money then Mr. Bruhn. He would have lost, but would have done better then Bruhn will do. To be fair, I don't know Mr. Bruhn and he may be a very nice guy, but it amazes me that the GOP went with anyone else other then their own district attorney.

However, Donald Williams, did the right thing for the party, even though they didn't do the right thing for him. Williams lost the convention, and is doing what is in the best intrest of the party and backing out. Not forcing a primary and helping the other side. At least Williams still has his dignity and integrity intact...I wish I could say the same about some Democrats.


  1. Anonymous1:59 AM

    Sorry folks, I can't buy this one. I find him pompous and stiff as a stepford lawyer. And the BIG ISSUE to me in hindsight is I heard tonight on KPA that most of these thieves who built and robbed the jail, even if found out, will not be prosecuted because the statute of limitation has run out. So why even do the study. What a piece of aborted justice this is .... and the bullshit all happened on his watch. If he could find drug addicts, shoplifters, and prostitutes, he damn sure should have been able to find a few members of the WHITE COLLAR GANG who shop vacuumed some of the 42.2 million from this jail project.
    As usual we have no problem harrassing the hobo who feeds the pigions in the park and we make heroes of the guy who steals the park.....BULLSHIT RULES AND INTEGRITY WALKS in this area.....
    And don't kid yourself , this twisted crap is real obvious to young and old alike........

  2. Anonymous2:00 AM

    Hey Blab-

    Remember Scott Haggerty? I now have irrefutable proof that Scott and Rich Cahill are the same person. E-mail me at for details. Has anyone read the nasty comments he made on the freeman website? I also have printouts of politics 101. His mayoral race is done. Should I go to Hugh Reynolds or do you want the exclusive?

  3. I know who was behind politics 101..but I have no way to prove it. Anyway, when push came to shove the guy made up for it after I lost my SB race so I don't care. He knows who he is.

  4. This is a saddening announcement. While Don Williams has chosen what appears to have been the right choice for the party I believe that he would have been the best choice for the job.
    No doubt that Don will be successful no matter what he chooses to do.

  5. Anonymous10:56 PM

    If Cahill and Haggerty are one in the same, why the alias? Cahill has (I feel justifiably) criticized the Mayor and is running against him. Why would he possibly need an alias to do that. And, I have seen many letters to the editor in the Freeman credited to a Scott Haggerty too. Is that Cahill, and again why the need to be Clark Kent? There are many people, like myself, who use the "anonymous" signature on these blogs, so they can say anything they want without the need to be in any way credible.

  6. Anonymous6:09 AM

    of course little dick was scott haggerty...meanwhile check out his lawn - the grass is 18 inches high - call the building department!

  7. Anonymous3:20 PM

    That's a lie. I live 2 blocks away from Mr. Cahill and his lawn looks just fine.

  8. Anonymous2:57 AM

    Please, when are we going to be thru with this man's political death and funeral. It's going on longer than SNL's Generalissimo
    Francisco Franco joke.......

  9. Anonymous6:13 AM

    whose political death and funeral? don williams or little dick's?


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