
Monday, June 04, 2007

Blaber News hits new Milestone

Blaber News has had over 20,000 visitors since it's start in March of 2006!

Thank you all for your help in making this the #1 blog in Ulster County.


  1. Anonymous4:27 AM

    Please, answer.. This is a sincere question. If I visited the site once a day since March of 06, would I count as a 365 + visitor to the site or just as one visitor? Thanks.......

  2. If you came on everyday for one year it would count as 365 visits.

  3. Anonymous9:24 AM

    same people, multiple times daily

  4. I do in fact have " regular viewers" that come on everyday. However, the numbers are increasing from 20 hits a day 6 months ago, to about 100-150 hits a day today. So more people are coming on daily, like yourself, to see what I have to say. I appreciate it.

    - Jeremy


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