
Sunday, June 03, 2007

Monday's Convention should prove interesting

Today is the big day! One of the three people above from left to right, Jonathan Sennett, Vincent Bradley Jr., and Julian Schriebman, will walk out of the Monday night convention with the Democratic Party's designation and the odds on favorite to be the next District Attorney of Ulster County. The event tonight should prove interesting with two of the three candidates already securing another minor party line, making the likelihood for a Democratic primary almost certian.

All three Candidates were out and about on Sunday making last minute campaign efforts :

Jonathan Sennett, making a stop at the New Paltz Pride Parade in his hometown. Vince Badley, made the rounds at the Town of Ulster Democratic picnic. And, Julian Schriebman, had a last minute fundraiser with a mere 10 people in attendance.

The City of Kingston will also select their candidates for various offices without any serious candidates contesting.

Kingston City Judge- James Gilpatric incumbent

Mayor - James M. Sottile incumbent

Alderman-at-Large - James Noble incumbent

Ward Races :

Ward 2- Jenifer Ringwood incumbent

Ward 3 - Charlie Landi

Ward 4 - Rev. Shirley Whitlock

Ward 5- Anne Marie DiBella incumbent

Ward 6- Robert Gillon

Ward 7- Bill Reynolds incumbent

Ward 8- Robert Senor incumbent

Ward 9- Mike Madsen incumbent

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