
Friday, July 20, 2007

Blaber's News hits new milestone

30,000 Visitors

Thanks to everyone that comes on here, and makes this site worth doing. Blaber's News is without a doubt the #1 blog in Ulster County. It remains #1 because of people like you.


  1. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Yay! Congrats Jeremy! Not only do you keep us informed, but you provide us with a safe mechanism to blow off a little steam every once in a while.

    Cheers buddy, and thanks:-)

  2. Anonymous1:44 PM

    I don't think 30,000 people have read the Freeman in the last 5 years, so you are doing a great job.

  3. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Congratulations, Jeremy - you are performing a great public service for people to speak out (as the first poster pointed out) safely and for everyone to read others' points of view. The second poster is hysterical - I know I don't read the Freeman anymore. It's a right-wing rag - Hugh Reynolds thinks he has a finger on the pulse, but I won't say where his finger really is.

  4. Anonymous5:11 AM

    The publisher of a certain paper has a blog entry about local access hosts who boast about being highly rated. He rants about some of these hosts not being as good as "professional" journalists.

    The people in the digital age have taken his "printing press" away and he is no longer the only game in town.

    There are plenty of paid journalists who are not professional.

    But, I guess he hasn't heard of American Idol where non professionals sing and gain a ton of recognition and public support.

    You are making a positive impact on the community in Ulster County. Keep up the great work.

    He is holding onto opinions and views that are outdated. Thanks to the Internet, the people can tell stories, share news and develop communities. You don't need a college degree to tell or share a story.

    How about the upstart concept--YouTube--that puts story telling in the hands of the masses?

    If this publishing professional were smart, he would realize if you can't beat them...join them.

    He must be driving a horse and buggy to get to work in his ivory tower.

  5. Anonymous2:30 PM

    C0ongratulations, and what a contrast between this blogsite and that of the Republican candidate for Mayor!! Of course that blogsite does not now--nor do I think it will ever--encourage a rousing discussion about anything because he posts on a few narrow topics and the poster must then follow his lead, inherently restricting the debate.
    Good luck and thank God you never took this blogsite down.
    ; - )

  6. Congratulations, and keep up the good work Jeremy!

    We need many more young men like yourself!

  7. Anonymous12:51 PM


    Wish you would do another interview
    with Clint Brown


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