
Friday, July 20, 2007

Schreibman calls for party unity

Julian bows out and supports Sennett, asks Bradley to do the same.


  1. Anonymous6:51 AM

    Julian should learn how to win a case first!

  2. Anonymous8:27 AM

    I think a primary is good for the party. It puts our candidates in the spotlight all summer heading into the September vote. Julians speech is another ploy by the liberal tranplants in this county to control goverment. Good luck Julian, go put that Yale degree to work in some other county because you are done in UC.

  3. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Bradley and his cronies have divided the party. How is it in the best interests of the citizens of Ulster County to have a top prosecutor who owes favors to the elite. This will compromise justice in this county. We need a prosecutor for the people...not just the power brokers.

    Bradley considers himself a victim for being rejected by the party on two occasions. Sennett considers himself a victor and will prove it again tomorrow.

  4. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Julian did a very honorable thing by heeding to the best interests of the party. He is a very smart guy with a bright future ahead of him.

  5. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Meeting Site:
    Kingston City Hall

    Home Court:
    Advantage - Bradley

    Officials in Charge of Meeting: Advantage - Bradley

    We called this getting: Hometowned

  6. Anonymous2:52 PM

    With all due respect, Jeremy, nowhere in Julian’s speech – I’ve a copy of it, and you do too – has he mentioned an endorsement of Jon Sennett. It would have been imprudent, if not unethical, for Julian to do so. But, rather, Julian has called for Party unity, “…in light of the divide within the Party, whether we will be the Party of open government, public integrity, and progressive change, or whether we will just offer the failed politics of the past hidden beneath a different label, it would not serve the interests of the Party or the citizens of the County, for me to continue to campaign against the Party’s nominee. Rank and file members are eager to make clear their rejection of top-down decision making in this party; forcing them to choose between Mr. Sennett and me, detracts from that effort. Accordingly, I am here to tell you that last week I suspended petitioning and all other campaign activities, and that effective today, I am no longer a candidate for the Democratic nomination for District Attorney.”

    It didn’t make a difference to Julian who the “unofficial” Democratic endorsed candidate was – John Kerry, John McEnroe, Johnny Appleseed – Julian saw the gross division within our county’s Party and took measures to try to stop it.
    Now that’s a true and dedicated Democrat!

  7. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Let me get this straight...the candidates traveled all around Ulster County and debated eachother for two months for what purpose?

    So that a crybaby candidate could pull a bunch of strings for a re-match after the county convention voted him down. How does that fit in with Democracy?

    It seems that the Kingston section of the Democratic Party is not playing in the sandbox with other Democrats around the county. People supporting Bradley are a bunch of blind sheep. BAAAAAAAA.

  8. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Comment to Anonymous - 8:27 am: Like it or not – and I predict the latter – in the future, you are going to have get used to hearing and seeing Julian, and his name, in Ulster County government and politics. He has had a tremendous response of favorable feedback – which is growing exponentially – from Party members who have said they look forward to him running in the near future for other County races, and have also promised him their support. As Al Jolson used to say,“You ain’t seen nothin’ yet.” No one can intimidate him, especially you!

  9. To 2:52 PM: Thanks for the note, while Julian did not support Jon Sennett by name he did say he would support the party's nominee and asked Mr. Bradley to do the same. As you well know the party's nominee is Jonathan R. Sennett.

  10. Anonymous5:15 PM

    since we're quoting famous people from the past. let's get a little closer to home with....
    "It ain't over till its' over."

    See you all on November 6. The only date that really matters.

  11. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Sorry, the party's endorsee is Jonathan R. Sennett, Its' nominee will hopefully be determined in a primary.

  12. Anonymous5:25 PM

    To the first blogger:
    You are silly. To even suggest that Julian is doesn't win cases is factually inaccurate and misleading. He has stated that he is undefeated in NYC, and he has won more cases than not in Ulster County. That is saying a lot more than Bradley, who is neither undefeated in NYC, nor has he practiced in Ulster County. Julian's reputation is topnotch in the legal community. I know because work with them and that's what they all say. Even Joe O'Connor cannot deny.

  13. Anonymous5:40 PM

    To 5:13 pm: Sure we all know that Jon Sennett is the endorsed candidate of our Democratic Party, but as 2:52 said, “John Kerry, John McEnroe, Johnny Appleseed,” it didn’t matter who the candidate was, Julian tried to prevent the division from escalating.

  14. Anonymous6:08 PM

    This speech is old news (July 9th). Why post it to your blog at this time? As if we didn't know.

    Just a last minute attempt to thwart the democratic process.

  15. I'm sorry but, the only one trying to thwart the Democratic process is Mr.Bradley.

  16. Anonymous6:37 PM

    Since when is the democratic process- "Don't let the people vote"?

  17. Anonymous8:48 PM

    Julian has been a terrible ADA and any support given or implied to Sennett should mean nothing. You should all be thinking about how to beat Mr. Carnright.

  18. Anonymous8:51 PM

    Jeremy, why would you say that? I'm sorry but, the only one trying to thwart the Democratic process is Mr.Bradley. -----
    We all know you are only trying to protect your boy Jon.

  19. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Julian has lost at least 6 trials in a row. Mostly due to not being prepared in court. Yale does not teach common sense. Example: Julian ended the career of popular professor Wade Thompson when Thompson was falsely charged of forcible rape by Julian and the case went to trial. Julian had info that the victim of this rape had made up similar stories in the past and he ignored it and went to trial anyway. At trial the case was dismissed. Sounds familiar, huh ? Kind of like the prosecutor of the Duke lacrosse team, Mike Nifong. Wake up voters. You need to look at credentials and courtroom experience before putting people in office. Julian has won about 2 or 3 cases and lost at least 12 or more in UC. Some by dismissal before trial. Go to the county clerk's office and see this Wunderkind's real record. He spent 20K on a campaign ? Good grief.

  20. Anonymous9:28 PM

    If you don't like the way that candidates are selected and endorsed suggest changing the system.

    The people did vote. Those people met at the nominating convention and gave Bradley the boot.

    As it stands now, the nominating convention decides who will be endorsed. Since Mr. Bradley didn't register in time, he is not a Democrat until after the election. This is the reality he faces.

    Better luck next time.

  21. Anonymous9:46 PM

    This isn't about not letting the people vote. Of course people are going to be allowed to vote for Bradley. He's going to be on the Conservative and Independent lines so anyone who wants to vote for him will get their chance in November. This is about someone who is NOT a Democrat trying to get the Democratic nomination after already losing once in a fair vote.

  22. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Vincent just did not impress us. Because he was rather coy, we didn't understand that he was not a Democrat back when we saw from him with Jon and Julian.
    Our committee thought him bland nice guy, and not too impressive. His father's name and reputation did not help him with us, at all. Though no one held it against him.

    We preferred Sennett, and that's how we voted June 4th.

    Later, we were dismayed by Bradley's quotes in newspapers, and people began comparing notes on diferent things he said to various people.

    . . . and that's how we'll vote today.

    Julian was classy to withdraw. We don't need another primary. We have our candidate.

    Jon will WIN for us all in November!

  23. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Where does Clint Brown stand in all of this?

  24. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Julian, take up the dance lessons,you are going to have alot of time on your hands after the fall elections.

  25. Anonymous2:05 PM

    The party did not reject Mr. Bradley, the committee of about 200 did. their are over 34,000 democratie voters out there and they will tell us truth!


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