
Tuesday, July 24, 2007


The Bratley camp has tried to portray Mr. Sennett as weak on crime based on an article in the Kingston article that was taken out of context. The Bratley Camp has chosen to capitalize on that but hey that's politics.

However, look at this video both are advocating for alternative sentencing and both are against the Death Penalty.. actually at one point Mr. Bradley pretty much echoes Mr.Sennett's comments, as well as advocate for drug court. The same comments that Bratley claims constitute someone being weak on crime....hypocritical? You decide.


  1. Anonymous12:30 AM

    Who is Vince Bradley? The Judge?

  2. Anonymous12:31 AM

    Vince who?

  3. Anonymous5:29 AM

    Ed Bradley from 60 Minutes?

  4. Anonymous10:19 AM

    The two should sit down with Clint Brown

  5. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Regardless what you say about Vince who, he is still on the ballot in November. Spada's hopes of salvation are still alive. They will not go quietly. Spada will endorse Holley knowing that the damage his endorsement did to Vince's campaign will now damage Holley's.

    Hopefully, the Kingston / Ulster crowd will pull together for Vince to come out the victor in November

  6. Anonymous12:42 PM

    General Omar Bradley?

  7. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Is it true that the Conservatives are issuing a Wilson-Pakula with the hopes of dumping Vincent Bradley?

  8. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Sounds like Bradley copied Sennett's answer on the pop quiz. We need a leader not a follower.

  9. Clint Brown, the Preacher?

  10. Anonymous8:03 AM

    Anonymous 2:18 inquires pursuant to the Conservative Party issuing a W.P. to replace Vincent Bradley. The answer is no. Holley Carnright has also stated publicly he will not seek an Opportunity To Ballot. A three way race benefits Mr. Carnright.

  11. Anonymous1:24 PM

    I agree that a 3-way race benefits Carnight. Dems who wanted Bradley will vote for Bradley on the minor party lines, and the Cons will vote for Bradley because they think he's a conservative. This proves that if Bradley was a true Dem, he'd bow out because he'd want a Dem in the DA's office. Bradley only wants himself in the office.

  12. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Bow out Bradley Bow out Bradley Bow out Bradley Bow out Bradley Bow out Bradley Bow out Bradley
    Bow out Bradley Bow out BradleyBow out BradleyBow out BradleyBow out BradleyBow out BradleyBow out BradleyBow out BradleyBow out BradleyBow out BradleyvBow out BradleyBow out BradleyBow out BradleyBow out BradleyBow out BradleyBow out BradleyBow out BradleyBow out BradleyBow out BradleyBow out BradleyBow out BradleyBow out BradleyBow out BradleyBow out BradleyBow out BradleyBow out BradleyBow out BradleyBow out BradleyBow out BradleyBow out BradleyBow out BradleyBow out BradleyBow out BradleyBow out BradleyBow out BradleyBow out BradleyBow out Bradley

  13. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Albert always gets what he wants.

    Just ask Nic


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