
Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Jonathan Sennett has MORE THEN DOUBLE the trial experience then his fringe opponent Vincent Bratley Jr.

It also should be mentioned Bratley has never tried a case where there was a victim.


  1. Anonymous12:16 AM

    Bradley's a drunk who beats women and touches little boys, too Jeremy, right? Keep posting lies about Vince and your political career will be a short one, little boy! Trust us!

  2. Anonymous12:22 AM

    Lies? Bradley has never tried a crime that wasn't victimless. Look it up. Better yet ask him. Also, when was the last time he tried a case? Within the last 10 years?

  3. Anonymous1:26 AM

    Of course Sennett is more experienced that is a given, that's why Bradley is referred to as a 'fringe' candidate. I want to know how Sennett stacks up to his real opponent Holley Carnright. Bradley is no longer an issue.

  4. Anonymous1:27 AM

    Is that a threat from the Bradley camp? Not surprising...Spada is involved with that campaign. Blaber you better get a remote starter for your car.

  5. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Let's stop the rumors and stick to the facts.

  6. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Clint Brown will watch out for Jeremy

  7. Anonymous5:07 PM

    And Holly Carnright has more experience than Sennett and Bradley combined.

  8. Anonymous2:34 AM

    He was in the DA's office for 9 years and did 13 trials...ha.hahahaha.. too funny. That's like 1 1/2 trials a year. Looks like daddy got him a tit job in Manhattan. JR., you're a disgrace drop out now!

  9. Anonymous2:39 AM

    Carnright has more experience then my you know what. Both Bradley and Sennett are more qualified then Holley. Holley may have served as chief assistant but he was only in the ADA's office for 3 1/2 years. Both Sennett and Bradley individually have double the prosecuturial (sp)experience that Mr. Carnright does.

  10. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Clint Brown for D.A.

  11. Anonymous4:06 PM

    I just want to say...
    do not threaten Jeremy Mister Anonymous, if you are going to have the gall to threaten, at least let us know who you are tough guy...
    And actually, Mr. Sennett has just recently tried a case, and if I remember correctly, it was Bradley smutting him for it... Lets talk truth for a minute here then...
    The TRUTH is that yes, Carnwritght is experienced, but I have seen several of his trials, and I must tell you I am un-impressed.

    The TRUTH is that Bradley isn't even a Democrat.
    The TRUTH is that he LOST a battle for Wilson Pakula...
    and the TRUTH is that he was fighting for something he CANT EVEN VOTE IN...

    The TRUTH is that Bradley doesn't even have a Job
    The TRUTH is that when you DONT have a job, you can campaign and fundraise all day long; by all respects he SHOULD have the most money out of all the candidates, since he has nothing better to do with his day.

    The TRUTH is, he think's all voters are concerned about money...
    well I'm not... I'm working class, I shower every morning and get dressed to go to work at 9....

    Money doesn't make the man, sorry to tell all you Hilton wanna-be's...
    The fact of the matter is, Sennett is from here, has a job here, has a family here, has tried cases here, and he worked in NY too, but you dont see him throwing that on the table every single chance he gets now do you?? People only do things like that when they have nothing else to show...

    How bout this...
    will someone please tell me when BRADLEY did ANYTHING in Ulster County related to Law??
    Im not talkin about his Father here, we all know he was a judge here... I dont care frankly...
    May he rest in peace, and I appreciate all he's done for Ulster County,
    this however does not make his son automatically next in line for the "throne"... this is not 15th Century England thank you...

    Show me something that hes done, and maybe, just maybe Ill give what all of you have to say a second thought...
    until then...
    all of you who are spending time threatening and hateing...
    tell your friend to get a job.

    You want to talk about Jeremy's political career... wellI dont know if Mr. Bradley even will HAVE a political career here, and at the rate hes going, its not one he should be proud to put on a job application after he loses. Quite frankly I think he should be emberassed at the cherades he puts on and how it all just blows up in his face anyway.
    I hate to be the bearer of bad news to you Mister Tough guy threatenin Jeremy... at least he he's man enough to put his name to his comments that you find questionable.


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