
Sunday, July 15, 2007

The Rosenbaum family host a house party for Jonathan Sennett

A large group of Democrats turned out for a house party in Saugerties
on Sunday for a meet and greet event featuring Jonathan Sennett. The
Democratic candidate for Ulster County District Attorney traded
questions and answers with the group for more than two hours. Five
Democratic committee members attended the informal meeting to learn
more about the upcoming Wilson-Pakula vote slated for Saturday July 21 at 11
a.m. at City Hall in Kingston. The Sennett campaign is expected to make
two important announcements this week.


  1. Anonymous2:07 AM

    Mr. Sennett looks like he'll make a great D.A., another great early call from you Blab! Cause let's be honest you were pushing this guy before it was cool to.

  2. Anonymous3:52 AM

    Vote for Jonathan Sennett

  3. Anonymous12:31 PM


    Who has Clint Brown endorsed in this race?

  4. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Glad to see Sennett is going strong and hope to see him doing more of this venue.

  5. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Please define "large group." Also, did not notice the wife in the fotos and her fancy white purse convenient for slinging at men in bars. Ask Jon how many murder cases he's won. Then ask the 55 yr old candidate.

  6. Anonymous11:23 PM

    Mrs. Sennett was most certainly in attendance. And, the correct spelling is " photos"

    As for a murder case I'm not sure. Vince Bradley on the other hand has 0 experience handling a case with a victim. He specialized in White Collar crime. Sennett has prosecuted violent felonies and has prosecuted double, yes, double the amount Vince Bradley has.

  7. About 25-30 people showed up to the Saugerties house party. That is large number for a house party.

  8. Anonymous7:05 AM

    By their own admission, Bradley has had 13 criminal trials, Jonathan has had 35 criminal trials, plus 20 Family Court trials, and 10 civil trials. So obviously Bradley is lying to the public when he claims to have the "most" experience. And Bradley's trials were as a member of a team, not as lead attorney. Can you say "lack-lustre" boys and girls?

  9. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Jeremy Blaber said...

    About 25-30 people showed up to the Saugerties house party. That is large number for a house party.

    I have been to house parties with 50+ many times. Please remember that you are basing your opinions on your very limited experience. 25-30 was probably more like 15-20. Jeremy, that is a poor turn out for a county wide candidate in a politically charged town. Sennett after all claims Saugerties as one of his large bases os support.

  10. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Acutally, it was 40 people. Boy can those Dems eat!

  11. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Not posting EVERYTHING again are we, Jeremy?

  12. Hello - My name is Michelle Rosenbaum, the host of the house party. There were 37 adults, 2 children, 2 toddlers and 1 baby at this house party.

  13. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Isn't this the same Saugerties group that took Maurice Hinchey off their committee.

  14. Anonymous9:08 PM

    How much money raised?

  15. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Sorry...........Mr. Bradley is the good ol boys....Mr. Sennett doesn't have the common sense to take his drunk wife home instead of trying to beat the drum............this Dems vote is going to Holley Carnwright!!!!

  16. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Was Clint Brown There?


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