
Friday, July 13, 2007

Sottile Video

Here is the video of what happened. I think the situation was very unfortunate and I consider both Jimmy and Maryanne to be dear friends, I'm sure they both would have handled the situation differently if they could do it over. Clearly both are equally at fault.

Sottile Video


  1. Anonymous8:36 PM

    How dare he put his hands on her! Regardless of what the argument was up to that point, Tubby Sottile was clearly the one who provoked the physical part of it. Mary Ann just retaliated after being grabbed by the face. He's an even bigger asshole than I gave him credit for. Almost makes me want to vote for the dope running against him.

  2. Anonymous10:23 PM

    he slapped or sexually stroked her face first and there;s nothing equal about it case closed he is done as mayor

  3. Anonymous10:41 PM


  4. Anonymous11:54 PM

    Both at fault?? Hardly! The video is clear...the Mayor slapped Ms. Sennett on the face first....

    The Mayor drew first blood. Come on Mayor, if you are the man you say you are, you ought to know to walk away from a situation before it gets out of hand.

    This brings the term "heavy handed politics" to a whole new level!

  5. Anonymous12:33 AM

    How could anyone vote for or support Sottile? He toiched her face and was clearly trying to intimdate or bully her.

    Granted, she was wrong to hit him. But, what seems to be missed about this whole thing is that when she threw her drink at Jimmy, Jimmy threw his drink in her face.

    I am not justifying her throwing of a drink. But, what kind of a man throws a drink in a woman's face?

    The answer is that no REAL man would do such a thing. I will not vote for him. I will vote for Cahill, even though as a democrat, I wish I did not have to.

    Cahill may be right wing, but at least he doesn't behave like that.

  6. Anonymous2:10 AM

    is the mayor drunk again?

    I can only imagine how many people drove home drunk ..............

  7. Anonymous2:17 AM

    Mayor Sottile could barely stand up when it was time to leave but to his credit, as shit-faced as he was, he had a designated driver. So he was responsible

  8. Who, Drove Mayor Sottile home?

  9. Anonymous6:28 AM

    The Daily Freeman buried the lead in their coverage of this debacle.

    Sottile reached out first in a threatening manner. HE PROVOLKED the incident.

    WCBS-TV reports:"Video from a surveillance camera shows Sottile and MaryAnn Sennett in heated discussion, and then shows Sottile apparently reaching up and touching her on the face."

    The mayor tried to say that he was humiliated by the event. If so, why did he approve the release of the tape that clearly does not vindicate him.

    Why would Mariners Harbor release the tape? No charges were filed and the footage was only meant to defame Mrs. Sennett and Mr. Sennett. What was the purpose?

    Democrats should boycot Mariners.

  10. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Saw the video- Sottile probably deserved a smack for putting his hand on her face first.

  11. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Sottile was responsible for having a designated driver. Or his handlers were, knowing he has a drinking problem. The real question is whether Kingston wants a Mayor with a substance abuse problem, who behaves abusively, who can not tolerate anyone who doesn't agree with him.

    The Mayor made major network news. He is an embarrassement to the City and to the Democractic Party. If the Mayor wants to get drunk at home or at the homes of close friends, that's his thing. When the Mayor consistently gets drunk when he is in his official role, he proves he is not a responsible, capable or intelligent leader.

    He believes, it seems that he can intimidate any and everyone to tow his line. This has occurred when he is sober as well, though he has not raised his hand. He yells at City employees, threatens other Dems who disagree with him on any one issue. He has done the same to citizens behind closed doors. Any leader who believes he can treat other citizens anyway he wants is not a leader. A tryant, a bully, a man in need of anger management perhaps- not a leader.

    The voters might ask themselves what else in lurking in the closet

  12. Anonymous8:51 AM

    What is a savvy politican doing getting sloshed in a public event?

    If a Kingston Police Detective witnessed this event, are they witnessing other incidents of the mayors alleged druken behavior?

    Perhaps the police department should take the mayor's keys permentantly until he gets his addiction in order.

    If something does happen, I am sure he will end up blaming someone else. That's what people do when they have a drinking problem. They never can see that the problem lies within themselves.

  13. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Hey Jeremy,

    You still supporting Sottile after his disgraceful behavior? Can you really continue to support a man who does that to a woman?

  14. Anonymous10:52 AM

    From the clip on WCBS TV (how did THEY get it??) the MAN, the MAYOR, SLAPPED her. He SLAPPED her! How dare he TOUCH her? How much provocation should a woman stand?
    He's lucky her husband wasn't nearby, and lucky I WASN'T too.

  15. Right wing? What does that make Jimmy? Left wing? Even I don't believe Jimmy is a left wingnut. He's just a typical dem, who believes in large entitlement programs. But that's the problem with libs, if you don't agree, you must be a right winger.

  16. Anonymous11:59 AM

    That wasn't Sennets wife it was either Julie McQuain or Susan Zimet in disguise! (or maybe even Hector Rodriguez. I could tell by the purse. LOL)

  17. Anonymous12:59 PM

    2:17: how can you say shit-faced and responsible in the same sentence! Everyday, Sottile is just another embarrassment waiting to happen.It's high time the city rids itself of his sorry ass.

  18. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Clearly, Mayor Sottile is totally lacking in civility...seems that his continued alcohol induced outbursts are symptomatic of severe personality issues, which he should address. Resign from office Mayor before you do something much worse and before your family suffers total humiliation. Regardless of who started it, our chief executive should know better than to allow himself to get mixed up in something like this. Shame on you Mr. Mayor - its time to start acting like a grown up.


    We'll be discussing this on "Free Talk Live" Monday evening!

    The video CLEARLY shows the GIRLIE-MAN mayor slapped Mrs. Sennett FIRST!

    If the mayor can't control himself...he should NOT hang out in bars. He should stay home and drink.

  20. Anonymous2:44 PM


  21. Anonymous2:58 PM

    I find it interesting how the Democratic Party wants it both ways when it comes to a primary between Sennett and Bradley. Bradley was a good enough "Democrat" to run at the "convention", but is not a good enough "Democrat" to primary Sennett? The only reason Sennett and his camp (Jeremy etal.) are fighting the primary, is because they think they will lose! We are not allowing the Democratic voters to decide for themselves!

  22. Anonymous3:05 PM

    The jeep that the mayor is driving around is owned by the city.........
    Don't take the keys, TAKE THE JEEP!

  23. Anonymous3:30 PM

    this blog is a bomb - Boom. ... THANKS, JEREMY.

  24. Anonymous3:36 PM

    If you only think she "cold cocked" him, then you have not seen the length of clip WCBS aired.

    I'd like to see more of the beginning of the incident. Especially as the story in the Freeman was SO out of wack with the WBCS video and story! (Predictable. Huge Reynolds wrote it, based only on what his "good friends" told him. Does he actually do ANY real reporting any more?)

  25. Anonymous4:29 PM

    I am no fan of Cahill. I must admit that he has not taken advantage of this incident like I thought he would.

    I saw him last night working at the IC Bazaar. When I asked him about it, he told me that he did not want to make any comments about it. He felt the people would make up their own mind and he did not want to be associated with the story in anyway. He showed real class.

  26. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Actually, Cahill appears to have offered a statement on his blog

    It appears to say the same general thing he told you.

  27. Anonymous9:08 PM

    why didn't you publish my comment about the possibility that this mess was a set up. I've lost respect for you. You truly are sorry individual. Too bad, I thought you had a promising career but I can see that you are just trying to join the good ol' boy network.

  28. Anonymous10:19 PM

    You know, you don't have to like Cahill. I know he has a lot of cockiness to him, and I know it is unthinkable to many to actually think a Republican may be the better candidate. But...Cahill does have class. He would never be involved in this kind of incident. Many will say (many like the shill, little dick, in his permanent state of cap-lock)yeah, well that's because he's a pussy, that's because he's a midget, that's because Mrs. Sennett would have killed him, etc. (I hope I saved you a little time there little D), but you know what, if you really have a brain, and you really examine these two candidates and the way they carry themselves (despite Sottile's height, and God knows, weight advantage), Cahill is the better candidate, and that was before this latest fiasco, which just puts icing on the cake. If Sottile wins (defying logic, but Bush won twice)it will be for the same two primary reasons Bush did. Money and those who can't see beyond the "D" and the "R". I hope you'll print this JB. Usually when I write with this logic, it never seems to make it to post-ville. Wonder why?

  29. Anonymous10:24 PM

    can the commom counsel put Sottile on a one or two week leave to allow him to get his act together. He is a liability because of his approach to Mrs. Sennett and authorizing the release of the tape. The humiliation is self imposed. He needs help.

  30. To Poster at 9:08 PM and others:

    Several Comments were lost when I was in the process of publishing them. I usually average about 5-10 comments per moderation period, when I got up to look this morning there were over 30 between this post, and others I had done previously.

    I rejected 5 comments for off the wall language and I lost four that I inadvertently deleted with the others...those four posts I have no idea what they said, as I had not had a chance to view them. Please re-post.

  31. Anonymous4:07 AM

    I think this was a set up… that backfired.

  32. Anonymous4:12 AM

    A setup whatttaya nuts? Sottile certainly didn't want to be caught like this and Mari Anne doesn't want to piss off Sottile..while her husband is running for d.a. this was an unfortunate isolated event.

    A gentleman would have walked away. period. It is an embarassement to our community to have a drunken lout as our spokesperson and based on his behavior, Sottile does NOT represent me, my family or our values. Mayor Sottile's behavior was something befitting a guest on Jerry Springer, what does that say about our community? While i may not be in 100 % agreement with Alderman Cahill's politics one of his touchpoints is a return to old fashioned values ,better times, and civic pride. Mayor Sottile couldnt have made Cahill's point any clearer. Sadly THIS is what Kingston has become. Cahill has the good manners his mama taught him, and the common sense to use them and I am reasonably certain he is NOT the sort of man who gets into drunken slap fights in a bar with a lady.. in my mind that makes him the ONLY choice for mayor.

  34. Anonymous8:26 AM

    The Mayor said, he was humilated at his own fund raiser. Now Kingston has been embarrassed again by this Mayor on network TV. (The first was his off the wall comments to FOX Cable news DURING the Mall shooting. He said that shootings didn't happen here in Kingston. Turned it into a PR spot while many of our friends and neighbors were hiding in fear for their lives, trapped in the Mall with a gunman shooting at will. I heard his "interview". I was appalled at his lack of sensitivity and intelligence. He used a tramatic, dangerous situation as self-promotion. Disgraceful.)

    Mrs. Sennett didn't make him drink on two boat cruises and then end the night at Mariner's bar. The Mayor did that himself. She did not humilate him. He did. Any sober, intelligent politician, especially during an election year, would and do know better than to get drunk in o public. Sottile has turned "fundraisers" into frat party like drinking fests.

    Again, he takes NO responsibilty for his decisions and his behavior. Even sober, he demeans, dismisses and berates anyone he sees as an opponent. There are plenty of City workers and private citizens, mostly working-class &/or politically unconnected, who have been subject to his tirades. Most will not speak publicly for fear of their jobs and other retailation. Most of us won't print our names for the same reason, I'll bet.

    The big issue is not the strange, twisted working of the Dem race for DA. The issue is our Mayor's inability to stay sober. Alocholism distorts reasoning. Denial becomes a way of life. Blaming others becomes a knee jerk reaction. Sottile exhibits many of the red flags. Does Kingston really want a drunk to rule?

  35. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Vincent Bradley, Jr. has caused harm to the Democratic Party that will likely last for years. When the mayor is sober he needs to realize that his supporting Bradley is not a smart thing. Bradley needs to bow out before all of the hard work done by Democratic volunteers is destroyed.

  36. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Take a look at this parady of events

  37. Anonymous10:32 AM

    The Freeman STILL "reports" it wrong today: "Sottile, 50, then lifts a hand toward the 40-year-old Mrs. Sennett, and she responds by throwing three punches at the mayor, the second of which hits him in the face."

    1. a thrusting blow, esp. with the fist.

    1. a sharp blow or smack, esp. with the open hand or with something flat.

    We TiVoed the WCBS story, watched it slowly. Mayor was poking his finger at her and then TOUCHED her on the face. G-d knows WHAT he was saying.

    THEN She slapped, open hand. As a lady might when a (drunken) man is out of line.

    By reporting it (AGAIN, today) as her "throwing punches", Freeman tries to excuse a no-fault bar room brawl, as between two men. (And at that, hardly acceptable for an elected politician at a public event!)

    Looked more like a man being slapped by a lady for acting inappropriately. From other posts here, doesn't sound all that unusual.

    The Freeman's reporting begs lots of questions. The Mayor humiliated himself.

  38. Anonymous10:54 AM

    What kind of a human being gets into a fight with woman? What a tough guy!

    I don't just want to see him lose this election, I want to beat the crap out of him.

    I would really hope that even the most liberal of people would withdraw support for such a piece of garbage.

  39. Anonymous3:18 PM

    TO 951- you maybe right about Bradley, time will tell. If anyone has caused damage to the Democractic Party - it is Sottile. He showed his true colors and thankfully it was on tape. He said the video speaks for itself and it does. How he could think it vindicated him is beyond me. Has he lost his mind? Where is he? Hiding as only a true coward would. Mr Sennett walked in the Children's Parade. I give him credit for that. But our Mayor hid.

    The voters will have our say in the voting booth, where he can not intimidate us or bribe us. It is my sincere hope that Kingston chooses to make it clear that we will not be governed and lead by someone who doesn't have the common sense to stay sober in public and the decency to keep his hands and his drinks to himself.

    I'm wondering how many of the other rumors are also true now that we all know he has a drinking problem. Where there is smoke.....

  40. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Regardless of what the argument was at the beginning, the drunken mayor either attempted to slap or pat her cheek with his right hand the first time. She recoiled then swung at him and missed.

    He swiped at her a second time, this time with his left hand and she soundly slapped him in the head.

    He reached out to slap her a third time and missed, and she slapped at him in retaliation and missed.

    He reached out toward her a FOURTH time and she flung her drink in his face.

    Then he threw his drink, a FIFTH attempt at assaulting her, and she responded by batting him with the purse.

    Frankly, I see no way to even TRY to construe this unfortunate event as agression on the part of Mrs. Sennett. All five times she struck out at him were in RETALIATION for him reaching out toward her.

    Though she could have shown better judgement or self control in even getting into an argument with such a drunken slob, she was clearly NOT the aggressor. She was defending herself. Period.

  41. Anonymous9:19 PM

    5:O2 Too bad the old boys and the Daily Freeman don't see what you saw. Perhaps its time for new glasses for Hugh.

  42. Anonymous9:37 PM

    looks like this is a Zimet - Sennett board. All the mayor bashing is interesting. Jeremy, you have some following of anti Kingston anti establishment people. I thought you were just a bunch of Liberals but even the liberals think you are all out of control.

  43. Anonymous9:42 PM

    according to the freeman she went in to use the bathroom while her husband waited outside. where did the drink she had come from, the ladies room?

  44. Anonymous9:47 PM

    Hey how about a cage match with the mayor and Mrs. Sennett? CBS news would like the follow up and it might bring some tourism to Ulster County. It is more hoopla than the bozos in tourism have created. In fact I demand a rematch. Sweet Swingin Sennett vs. Big Bad Jim. Do it as a fundraiser for the boys and girls club.

  45. For some strange reason...the Daily "Freeman" will not post my invitation! (below)

    This is an open invitation for the Mayor Sottile and/or Mrs. Sennett to call into "Free Talk Live" this coming Monday evening to tell their sides of the story.

    Details here:

  46. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Let's put Hugh Reynolds out to pasture. That way he can spend all of his time hanging out with all of Kingston's sacred cows.

  47. Anonymous8:49 AM

    I guess Mrs Sennett was drunk or she would never have taken a fight out of her weight class. She made a good showing anyway. I guess we know who wears the boxers in that family.

  48. Anonymous8:57 AM

    They both were loaded, the difference is Sottile is the Mayor.

  49. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Can we admit both are in the wrong and just move on? They are both good people.

  50. Anonymous9:42 AM

    As the chief executive of Ulster County's only city, Mayor Sottile should be held to a higher standard. Any other Joe Schmo would have been in handcuffs.

  51. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Was Clint Brown there?

  52. Anonymous9:34 AM

    I just don't get it Where is our Mayor? and if he is in hiding behind a beer bottle why isn,t his booze cruise buddy Noble taking over the reins, who's goverening the City right now? I waited 45 minutes for our Mayor to show at the charter meeting at the Hodge center last night, he was a no-show-We even called City hall to make sure he was going to attend they said yes? so nobody knows his where abouts? I have to learn on chanel 23 that he was at the bazzar but can't make it to his scheduled meetings? it,s clear to me that he doesn,t care about midtown at all shopping is more important? it's apparent that he is bias against a part of town that is mostly made up of minorities, black, hispanic, and latino,s this meeting was about the forgotten children in his City trying to get a chance for a better education and he doesn,t show? people of color, latinos, and hispanic's get out and vote it's the only weapon, Just say NO to this Coward Sottile the drunken tryant who cares more about a drink then the poor and unpriviledged kids in his own City!.
    Gallo must be turning over in his grave at the mess Sottile has put this City in, at least Gallo was a people person and didn,t go around harrassing it's citizens and slapping women and throwing drinks in peoples faces.

  53. wow, lucky the beginning was caught on tape. the body language says that Sottile was using his size and bulk on her. the touch was patronizing and insulting.
    I think that was an appropriate response. I applaud the woman's courage.
    It's important to have a democrat in the office, but if we can't have a good democrat, we're gonna have a republican, almost surely bad, and damn if I don't vote for him.
    Sottile should remember the man he followed, Mr Gallo: gallo would step down and help find a good replacement.
    Anybody think this is a bought and paid for comment, feel free to check with me personally.

  54. Anonymous6:31 AM


  55. Anonymous8:32 AM

    For all who keep claiming Sottile hit,touched,stroked Etc Sennetts wife, CAN YOU READ- read the sennett statement. Nothing in that statement says anyting about physical contact. If there was physical contact by Sottile Iam sure that would have been noted by Mr Sennett. Its Clear that this Blog(Sennett Campaign HQ)and Blaber only want to Make those who support Bradley Look Bad.

  56. Anonymous9:21 AM

    to 8:32...

    Mr. Sennett was not there when Sottile touched Mrs. Sennett, and his statement was written and released BEFORE the video which showed the big ape going after her first, over and over again. Apparently he was being magnanimous and giving the drunken slob the benefit of the doubt when he wrote the statement.

  57. Anonymous10:03 AM

    No one can Party like Clint Brown

  58. Anonymous10:12 AM

    absolutely NO IDEA who "little Dick" or "his dad" are.

    Some of these insider comments are way too inside.

    To see the full video clip aired on channel 2, that Freeman staff STILL resolutely refuse to watch by their reporting, go here:

  59. Anonymous3:51 AM

    TR's rolling over in the grave over this fiasco. Sorry Jimbo, you don't measure up to TR Gallo. Never have-Never will. Have another Drink.

  60. Anonymous7:19 AM

    To 631- This is America and Canditate Cahill has no right to censor his father, a private citizen or his callers. That Mr. Cahill, Junior choose to behave with class is refreshing in this City.

    I watched Mon. expecting far worse than I heard from Mr. Cahill, Senior and the callers. The Mayor had his defenders and any who called were given respect. (More respect than the Mayor gives those who disagree with him on a sober day.) Rich said over and over that the people should make up their own minds. Also refreshing, given this Administration's insistence that we, the residents agree with their view of reality.

    If the tables were turned (something that would never happen, in my opinion), I believe that Hugh Reynolds and this Administration would be vocal, vicious and unrelenting in their attacks on Mr. Cahill.

    Mrs. Sennet did not use good judgement. Talking to the Mayor is futile when he's sober. However, the Mayor NEVER attempted to walk away. The real proof is that he threw his drink after she did.

    No one has a right to touch anyone- with violent intent or in a patronizing, condescending manner. Given his rep on the streets for being intimidating and threatening, I am not surprised at her response.

    He choose to interact, he continued to engage after it became apparent that it was heated and non-productive. He behaved like a drunk. No rational thought, no civility. No surprise to some of us.

  61. Anonymous10:28 AM

    This would not happend if Clint Brown was there.

  62. Anonymous11:34 AM

    not to defend sottile but he does have the right to support Bradly or whoever he wishes. Thats his decision. mrs Sennett had no right to start an argument over it in the first place.

    When is kingston going to get started on building the condos by the hudson or at the parking garage. All kingston is ,is a low income haven. if a developer wants to build low income housing the project is started within months. If someone wants to build higher income homes in kingston it takes years for the project to start. It makes no sence. do you want to draw more low income people from NYC to draw on our services or do you want to draw higher income people to the area which should improve the city. Think about it. the city is already 75 percent low income. Please save the city and lets start building

  63. Anonymous7:06 PM

    How the heck can anyone in here actually insult Alderman Cahill when it is Sottile that put his hands on a woman?

    It doesn't matter if Alderman Cahill's father, mother, or goldfish goes after Sottile. Sottile's actions were downright disgusting.

    A vote for Sottile is a vote for a woman beater.

    Blaber said they were "equally at fault?" The man put his hands on a woman!

    He should be arrested.

  64. Anonymous8:28 AM

    In light of this, I must ask you, Jeremy, do you still support Sottile?

  65. I have nothing but respect and admiration for Jim Sottile, I hope this answers your question.

  66. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Jeremy, how in the world can you have respect for a man who is reckless in public with his drink and his behavior?

    How can a man like this professionally handle a multimillion dollar budget or dozens of employees?

    If he were a CEO he would have been on the unemployment line last Friday morning.

  67. Anonymous9:50 PM


  68. Anonymous10:15 PM

    I have just returned home to Kingston from 10 years as a trial lawyer in NYC. As I see it, given the Mayor's size and the attorney's size when he raised his hand to her face and touched her she responded. When a person is in fear they can react in many different ways. If she was not in fear than she still had a right to respond, again, the Mayor is a big guy. Now, he did not withdraw, so she continued to respond. There was no threat to the Mayor, other than the pocket book which looked to be a glancing blow. Since he did not withdraw and since he reacted physically first, The attorney was within her rights to respond. Intoxication is no excuse and as I tell my clients if an arguement ensues with a member of the opposite gender which is going to get out of hand leave the area, withdraw immediately. Given his position, I am suprised at how the Mayor raised his hand and touched an officer of the court. This fact makes one wonder whether the Mayor has a history of touching which has to date not been exposed. As to the attorney, given her response, I would recommend her as an aggressive advocate and she has one hell of a round house. Its great to be home and escape the rat race.

  69. Anonymous10:34 PM

    I have just returned home after 10 years as a trial lawyer in NYC. As I see it, given the size of the Mayor and given the size of the attorney, when he raised his hand and touched her, she had a right to respond. More importantly the Mayor did not withdraw after the first touching. When an individual is touched the response may come in many ways and since the Mayor did not withdraw, given his size, the attorney's response was appropriate, even the pocket book after the drink was thrown by the Mayor. Intoxication is no excuse. What is troubling is how easily a Mayor of a city in the State of New York touched an officer of the court. One wonders whether the Mayor has a history of touching not yet exposed. As to the attorney, I would recommend her as an aggressive advocate to any client. I have never met the attorney but she has one hell of a round house. It's great to be home and escape the rat race.


All comments are published at my discretion. Comments are the opinions of the individuals leaving them and do not necessarily reflect the views of this blog. Comments are intended to be a means of reaction to a specific post and will be moderated for relevance, obscenity, libel or hateful and defamatory language. Do not submit commercial, off-topic or other copyrighted material.