
Saturday, July 21, 2007

Wilson Pakula footage

Footage from the vote on whether to authorize Vincent Bradley the opportunity to primary against the Party's nominee Jonathan R. Sennett.

I would like to thank Chairman Parete, while I have been critical of him on this issue he could of jumped the gun at the Executive Committee meeting but he didn't. He did the fair and responsible thing by letting the whole committee decide.


  1. The story line was well crafted.
    Unfortunately, the speakers all sound completely OFF.
    Our Rating: Below avg.

  2. Anonymous12:04 AM

    Clark Richter's is commenting on your blog, where is his credentials. Clark was mistaken it's not his rating that's below average it's his intelligence level that is. ;)

  3. Anonymous12:07 AM

    The sound is perfect, Blab!

  4. Anonymous12:45 AM

    Smarter Than You Think...............Click on gadfly2media said... Enjoy the Video! Anonymous

  5. Anonymous1:34 AM

    Parete is a wuss - notice how he didn't give the exact number: "the vote was 15,000 to less than 9,000". He still can't accept the huge difference between Jon Sennett and Vince Bradley, Jr. The Freeman has also changed its reporting. Earlier today it had the exact number, now it's off of there completely. Also, for the first time ever, Hugh actually admitted that Jon had prosecutorial experience, and he finally stopped saying that Jr. was the son of Sr. Now that's gone too. I'll never understand Kingston's love affair with Bradley.

  6. Anonymous9:38 AM

    I think the real test of John Parete, as the leader of the Ulster County Democrats, is how soon the money recently raised by the Democratic Committee gets channelled into Jon Sennett's coffers. That will do a lot to level the dollars playing field I keep reading about.
    The Democratic leaders who have been outspoken Bradley supporters during this battle will also show their true stripes if they do not get behind the Sennett campaign. A true Democrat as the Ulster County DA would be a wondrous achievement.
    How soon Mr. Bradley realizes that he is not an "independent" candidate as claimed in today's Freeman, but instead an Independence and Conservative candidate, will also tell us much about Mr. Bradley. His rhetoric seems to betray his depth of thought.

  7. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Nice tape of Dem's putting torpedo into their own ship. Party is over. You dem committee people all sound and look like sheep. Did all of you forget there was a real election in November? How do you win now? The guy said he was running anyway if he did not get in primary. The reign of Republican Ulster County D.A's is intact. Good work Jeremy, there are cheers going up amongst repubicans for you in Saugerties where I live. You all make me laugh. I cannot believe you can all be that dumb.

  8. Anonymous5:49 PM

    In the past Mary Work, Hinchey, Cahill, Mcginty, and VanBarcum raised their own funds. It's the candidates job not the county party. John Sennett and his supporters got what they wanted. It looks like Ralph Childers is already making excues for John Sennett. Ralph should hold a fundraiser for John if he's so concerned about the money. Ralph obviously has little understanding about how to run a campaign.

  9. Anonymous7:51 PM

    ...sounds like anonymous 5:49 knows how to run a campaign...Ralph's point is that the UCDC's function is to help candidates get elected (but I guess since you know so much, you knew that). Parete doesn't necessarily just have to write a check to Jon, he should be spending the money raised throughout the year on all the Dem candidates. He should be helping to pay for lawn signs, billbosrds, literature, etc. He should be organizing GOTV, lit drops, mailings. Yes, the Sennett camp got what they wanted. They wanted Sennett on the Democratic ballot so they could concentrate on winning the election against Holley. Ralph isn't making any excuses, instead he's reminding Parete, et al, that they have a job to do, and Parete will be the first one to make excuses should Holley win. The Kingston crew will be whining "See? We told you Jon couldn't get elected." What they don't understand is that thus far, they've done everything they can to make sure of that and get a Republican in there (which wouldn't be the worst thing - Bradley would be worse than a Republican). If the Kingston crew really cared about the party, they'd support Sennett - take off the ubiquitous Bradley bumper stickers to start (which are only seen in and around Kingston). Sennett can win, but there's no room for crybabies. "You can't always get what you want." (Jagger/Richards)

  10. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Debating Anonymous is seldom a fruitful undertaking, but let me set the record clear: 1. I will certainly be running a fundraiser for Jon Sennett. 2. Number 1. does not excuse the County Democratic political machinery from putting up big bucks ($20K?) for the most important race of the fall. Excuses? Get a life anonymous, and put your name where your words are.

  11. Anonymous8:08 PM

    If Sennett's people really cared about the party they would have allowed a primary.

  12. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Ralph, where have you been the last five years? The real test of John Parate as a leader has already happened and he's past with flying colors. Lets see Family Court win, Surrogate Court win, Sheriff win, many supreme court wins. County legislature from 7 to 21 Democrats. Town Supervisors and board members in towns that never dreamed of having a Democrat majority or even a Democratic member. John has nothing to prove to anyone, the results speak for his work. You should only wish your record of electing democrats in Saugerties could be a quarter as good. This year with you guys did not even nominate a Democrat for a town race.

  13. Anonymous8:33 PM

    Bradley is a guy who doesn't take responsibilty for his actions. He lost three times. He can't use Morganthau's coattails anymore. The more we see of Bradley the greater understanding voters have of what a horrible District Attorney he would make. There is simply nothing likable about a surly and ungracious candidate.

  14. Anonymous9:02 PM

    To Ralph why should the ulster county democratic committee give sennet money? As far as I can remember (30 years as committeeman) the county has never helped county candidates. Only under john paretes has there been any attempt to raise money to operate the organization any left over money helped legislative candidates. Legislative races is where sennett would hope to get most help. Problem is most people in legislature or running for it support bradley and i'm sure many or all will continue to do so for the next 3plus months. Sennett got what he wanted so please stop making excuses and expecting stuff from the county that no other successful candidate has ever gotten. If sennet loses he will have no one to blame but himself. If you don't believe regarding financial support just look at past candidates financial reports.

  15. Anonymous11:46 PM

    How does allowing a primary show that the Dems care about the party? If Bradley cared about the party, he wouldn't have wanted a primary, and he wouldn't be willing to be the Ralph Nader of Ulster County by running on 2 minor party lines (if Sennett loses, it'll be because of Jr.). Bratley (misspelling intentional) only cares about himself. If, in his heart, he was a real Dem, he would've enrolled long before now and put the party first. Moving back to UC, enrolling as a Dem, and getting backed by Al Spada just didn't do it for 2/3 of the committee. The committee saw Bradley's experience and personality and compared him with Sennett. Don't give John Parete all the credit for taking the majority of the legislature and the county-wide races. There were other contributing factors: George Bush, the UC jail fiasco, and the demographics (there are now more enrolled Dems than Republicans - you can't give John Parete credit for that). And, nice slight for the candidates who won - you're basically saying that they didn't win on their own merit or credentials; they needed Parete. Mary Work, Tony McGinty, and Paul VanBlarcum are superb and are more than worthy of their success. Jon Sennett will be right up there with them - with or without Parete. Parete has yet to figure out that he's not as highly regarded as he once was (Cahill too) and should be spending his summer vacation doing some serious introspection. The best way to unify the party would be to understand why 2/3 of the committee voted against Bradley despite his (Parete's) best efforts. If he wants the majority on his side, then he needs to listen to them and back Sennett. Even if there's no money for Jon, there are other ways to support him. If he continues to dis Jon, then his ballroom days are over. He knows what to do - he's not stupid.

  16. Anonymous8:21 AM


    When will you interview Clint Brown?

  17. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Was Clint Brown There?

  18. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Clint Brown is also a big player

  19. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Jeremy said
    thank Chairman Parete, while I have been critical of him on this issue he could of jumped the gun at the Executive Committee meeting but he didn't. He did the fair and responsible thing by letting the whole committee decide.

    This is an odd post, Jeremy. John did his best to force a pro-waiver vote at the July 1 Exec mtg, including all those new appointments, even one appointment made on the spot who would vote yes to a wilsonpakula while refusing to appoint someone who would not. Appointing only reps in districts he could control, not in all.

    You reported correctly on all that. There was nothing fair or responsible about his acts and if that video ever surfaces everyone will know it.

    How can you possibly say the above now?

  20. It's time to stop the vendetta against Chairman Patete and work together to get Democrats elected in November. The past is the past. Bradley is a non- issue..we beat's time to move on and work together as one to get our legislative candidates, mayoral and town candidates and D.A. candidate elected in November.

  21. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Write in Clint Brown

  22. Anonymous11:30 AM

    agree with Ralph and 7:51

    Let the Chairman and his Committee show their support for the democratically picked, endorsed, and 3x ratified DA Candidate.

    Sennett can beat Carnright. We need a Democrat as District Attorney


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