
Saturday, August 18, 2007


Blaber's News and Commentary has hit yet another milestone, 40,000 hits. I'm honored that I have built up a blog that has such a large following said Blaber, who started his blog a short 18 months ago. When I started, I had an average hit count of about 20 people per day, now it's well over 300. While Blaber is quick to admit that his blog tends to lean to a liberal slant, he points out the wide popularity of GOP viewers that come to his website. Mario Catalano, ( the Ulster County GOP Chair) tells me he loves the blog, and I get that from Republicans all the time. At the end of the day this is a good community blog, that keeps people up to date on local issues as well as provide them a voice by expressing their own comments and that's something that attracts both Democrats and Republicans alike.


  1. Anonymous3:33 AM

    Congratulations Jeremy. You give the public a great service. Stay with it and all the best for your future.......

  2. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Nice work. Someday I will have 400 hits.

  3. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Blaber when are you going to sign a deal with CNN or maybe NY1 for a gizilione dollars and start cashing in on this. You are a political genius, your work should be recognized a little further then this dumb little blog.

  4. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Jeremy, great work!

    You are giving Hugh Reynolds a run for his money.

    He knows nothing about blogs. The old dog can't learn new tricks.

  5. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Don't sell out,principles are more important than money and all good things will naturally come to you by sticking to them.The real power is in the freedom to stand up for those ideals without the influence of money.

  6. Congrats JB! You keep it fresh with articles daily and I know it's not easy work. And even though we have agreed once in like 500, I want to say, keep up the good work.

    BTW, not sure if you've checked my blog lately, but I am in remission.

  7. To the other JB,

    I haven't read your blog in sometime, but I'm glad to hear the good news. Let's hope it stays that way.

    - Jeremy

  8. Anonymous4:24 PM

    You are lucky to have a world-famous Troll, trolling right here on your website Jeremy. ;) Us trolls know how to stir the pot.

    Keep on Trollin!

  9. Anonymous2:49 AM

    Let me know when Freeman staff blog reaches 40,000 hits.

    By then...the grumpy old men who run the place will be long gone.

  10. Anonymous8:28 AM


    I am glad for your success. However as one of the unaffiliated registered voters, you are so paritsan. Republicans and Democracts alike? What about the rest of us? Independents, Conservatives, Socialists, Green Party, etc.? Do you believe the world is only red & blue?

  11. Jeremy...I think you have more readers than the Daily "Freeman"!


  12. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Your website should glorify Allah and only glorify Allah, until it does it will be branded a website of infidels.

    Mullah Abdullah

  13. I apologize, yes, non- political people or members of other parties are just as important to this blogs success as those associated with one of the major parties.

  14. 8:59 AM

    I don't know if I'm at Hugh Reynold's level yet but his job is certainly my dream job...after I get my law degree, of course.

  15. Anonymous2:48 AM

    Hopefully you will practice only Islamic Law, Jeremy.

    Mullah Abdullah

  16. Anonymous4:25 AM

    You have far too much adenovirus-36 in your bloodstream, Jeremy.

    Ben Casey

  17. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Great Job Jeremy, keep up the good work!

  18. Anonymous5:23 PM

    The Lyford Cay School serves as a community resource after international and Bahamian families. Lyford Cay School offers a acme law Nursery entirely Piercing Creed education. Through a multi-cultural circumstances that promotes perception amongst distinctive nationalities, students are provided with the opportunities and resources to appropriate for cross-cultural learners and responsible citizens. Lyford Cay Followers is an independent, non-denominational, day school. The school is a non-profit-making metaphysics ens governed near a Meals of Directors.


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