
Friday, August 17, 2007

Shirley Whitlock Holds Fundraiser Tonight at 7pm

Shirley Whitlock, Democratic candidate for Ward 4, is holding a fundraiser tonight at 7 pm at the Puporusio (sp?) restaurant. The restaurant is located directly across the street from the UPAC. Please come for a night of good food and to support the only candidate running in the ward, that cares about the fourth ward and not their own personal interests.


  1. Anonymous6:55 AM

    Here is another example of your overabundance of unfounded negativity. No one has seen Ms. Whitlock at any community event. How does she care about the Ward? What are her priorities, plans, visions for Ward 4? She got 25 signatures on her petitions and I have yet to hear that she actually walked the Ward. NO ONE I have spoken with knows ANYONE whose door Whitlock came to.

    Ms. Whitlock did not seek this position herself. She was drafted by Sottile - the 4th or 5th person he approached.

    If Mr. Ryan only cared about himself, he would not have stepped up to run when numerous residents asked him to represent them on the Common Council. To subject himself to the petty, vicious slander and lies Sottile's gang has thrown his way. He was taking action for the benfit of this Ward long before his decision to run.

    HE has been running a very successful, educational Neighborhood Watch Meeting for a year and better, he organized the Plants in a Bucket event in Van Buren Park, and mothers have told me their children are enjoying the flowers and the veggies they are growing from that event. He planned changes and improvements for Van Buren Park.

    He has worked with Cornell Cooperative Extension, Big Brothers and Big Sisters - Children of Promise program, he has researched and listened to the reps from TransArt, who want to make their headquarters in the Berger House. He has lined up speakers from DPW, Fire Dept, Police Dept, Sheriff's Dept, DA, and others to inform residents and answer our concerns. He organized a food drive for the Queens Galley. He did extensive research on a Crime Task Force to deal with prevention, intervenetion and community involvement in solving the growing problem of crime in this Ward. He and others were not allowed to present their research in committee by Anne MArie DiBella and were shut down by the Mayor. They didn't even read the materials sent to them. Now DiBella is supporting Keller's "gentrification" which is urban renewl and is not the only way to "fix" the crime problem.

    Self - interest? Please! Does Whitlock have any real interest in this job? Or she is so sure the Mayor will get her elected she doesn't feel the need to come out and tell she what she plans for us?

  2. Anonymous8:22 AM

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  3. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Caring about your ward is in your own best interest. What has Shirley Whitlock done for Ward 4. I'll tell you nothing. Sottile can't get her elected because the fourth ward doesn't like him either.

  4. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Can anyone tell me what was said on
    the Cosme show this week?

  5. Anonymous1:45 PM

    This is for my frinds and mentor

    Clinton J. Brown

    Clint Clint is my man
    If he ran it would be in the can
    He may be old school
    But he aint no fool
    Walking and talking
    this is what some may do
    He is like our little GI Joe
    for the avarage schmo
    He will remove the snow
    When it is 20 below
    Lets give a shout out
    For someone who will come out
    You know he aint a sellout
    He would never cop out
    Even though he gets fallout
    It aint easy
    It makes me quesy
    from the ones that are so busy
    listening to Ryan crying everyday
    What can I do?
    So I send this out to you.

    One Love One Clint Brown

  6. Anonymous2:19 PM


  7. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Just like George Bush, Phil Cosme hates black people.


  8. Anonymous6:45 PM

    OMG He said that ON THE AIR??????

  9. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Wondering when Cahill will address
    the issue of Cosme and his show?

  10. Anonymous7:12 PM

    jeremy the jerk so you post the stuff about ryan's fundraiser but you delete the bad stuff about whitlocks your a liar and a fool i can,t wait till ryan wins and sets your a-- adrift

  11. Anonymous7:15 PM

    the blog administator is an a-- h---

  12. Anonymous11:02 PM

    Mitzvah Man Says:

    To 655

    Mr Ryan.... I know it was you that made that post. I know a 'phony'
    when I see one. Your tone is bitter and you are NOT the person we need in this Ward. Why are you
    so bitter and angey? I live here to

  13. Anonymous12:43 AM

    The event was very well attended I enjoyed great food with the likes of Judge Gilpatric, Chief Keller, James Noble,Charles Landi, Alderwoman Rigwood, Robert Gillon, Jeremy Blaber and others, as well as about 50 residents from Ward 4. It was a great time, good luck Shirley.

  14. Great blog Jeremy! I wish there were many more young White men in this once great country as motivated as you are!

    Keep up the good work!


  15. Anonymous1:41 AM

    I think Denny Ryan is a hunk


  16. Anonymous1:55 AM

    I think that Robert Gillon is a real hottie!

    Matt R.

  17. Anonymous5:47 AM

    it was a great fundraiser to bad most of the guests were not from Whitlocks ward just the mayors good ole boys good try though they to bad they can't vote in he primary and they are not the people who have to live in this ward with their choice.

  18. Anonymous6:14 AM

    it was good to see blaber,madsen keller,noble,gilpatric,brown,all in favor of the rev Whitlock all also loyal Sottile fans and all not able to vote in her primary this one will be decided by us the people of this ward not by some drunk mayor who wants to make the decision for us like he did four years ago and we got stuck with loser Brown who doesn't even call his own constitutes back Brown and Whitlock are two peas in a pod and it is time for a change in the fourth ward.

  19. Anonymous7:05 AM

    So does anyone know how many of those attendiong were residents of Ward 4. I'm not so impressed withthe "Officials" who attended since they sort of had to, you know to bolster Whitlock's camapaign and show thier faces for political credits. They don't live here.

    Many are the same who never voted one dime to Van Buren Park. Who have told us we were exaggerating the crime problem and danger. Who voted themselves pay raises, while now wanting more money from DPW workers.

    Did Ms. Whitlock give anyone an idea of one idea she has for the Ward? Or this another case where Emperor Sottile has assurred her of victory because he has so declared?

    Sounds like the "good old boys club" had another good old time. Chief Keller, who now is an "Urban Planner" more than the Chief of Law Enforcement. Ms. Ringwood who allowed us to lose $800/week by "forgetting" the meters on John. Word is the City is buying more meters. Just take the ones from Academy Green.

    Fluff, no substance so far. Ward 4 is still waiting to hear what Whitlock has done, plans to do and where her priorities are. Does she agree with "gentrification?" DiBella does- raze the neighborhood so she can sell the properties at the lowest bid to her friends. Will Whitlock march lock-step to the wishes of likes of lily-white DiBella at the expense of the diversity of Ward 4? Does Whitlock have any plans or thoughts of her own? Still waiting to hear something - anything from this Sottile picked canditate.

  20. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Actually, there were between 30-50 Ward 4 residents, not including the Kingston elite.

  21. Anonymous8:31 AM

    cry baby ryan ought to tell us why he's a better candidate (without lying about it) instead of posting anonymously on this blog

  22. Anonymous11:28 AM

    The food was GOOD!

  23. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Pastor Clint Brown owns the 4th ward. It's his turf. If he wants rev. Whitlock, then so it will be done, thy kingdom come, on Henry Street as it is in heaven, Amen. One Love.

    CB Love Child #2

  24. Anonymous6:50 PM

    HELLO....This is CB Love Child
    Did not know there is a 2nd
    Love Child?

    One Love

  25. Anonymous7:12 PM


  26. Anonymous12:01 AM

    One Love, yes, we are half brothers.


  27. Anonymous11:08 AM


    Matt Ryan will have a fisherman
    named Jesus at his next meeting

  28. Anonymous12:48 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Anonymous10:44 PM

    bush is not a rasist thats just a stupid statement to make

  31. Anonymous10:44 PM

    BLABER for DA

  32. Anonymous2:51 AM

    Bush is not a racist? Ask my innocent brothers held illegally at Guantanamo or in other secret CIA camps. Stop the War against Islam now! Peace.

    Mullah Abdullah

  33. Anonymous7:14 AM

    How come she only got 20 plus signatures if she could pull 30- 50 residents from Ward 4 to her fund raiser?

    Ryan got 120 plus by walking the ward and knocking on doors. So far no one I've talked to knows a friend of a friend of a friend who signed her petition or saw her face at there door. Some had a man come knock and ask them to sign. None saw Whitlock.

    What is her plan for the Ward? Does she have any thoughts for the betterment of the 4th Ward?

  34. Anonymous10:31 PM


  35. Where do you whacko's come up with these ridiculous lies. Shirley has not lost the support from the CSEA.

  36. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Matt Ryan has the endorsement of the Interior Decorator's Union Local #69

  37. Anonymous11:58 PM

    I got an e-mail from CSEA and guess what Shirley Whitlocks name was not on the list ANYMORE OF THE PEOPLE THEY WERE ENDORSEING INFACT THEY SAUD sHIRLEY HERSELF CALED TODAY TO CONFIRM IT when I called they said it was just the list of incumbants so why was Charlie Landies name on that list? and not shirleys HE'S NOT AN ENCUMBANT?.

  38. Both Shirley Whitlock and Bob Gillon have received the support of CSEA in addition to Landi and none of them are incumbents. As a matter of fact only 3 incumbents have the support of CSEA : Jenifer Ringwood, Anne Marie DiBella, and Bill Reynolds.

  39. Anonymous9:16 PM

    Oh Shirley what have you done to make me vote for you so far no one has come to your defense looks like you have done nothing in the two years you have lived in the fourth Ward your way behind ryan you do not attend neighborhood watch meeting I haven't seen you at a single event in the past six months so why are you running to be molded by our mayor into a yes rubberstamping no brain of your oown democrat like the rest of the common council and by the way I have a problem with you and the question of seperation of church and state getting a paycheck from a church and the state should be illegal.


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