
Monday, August 13, 2007

Jonathan Sennett Speaks At Democratic Headquarters

Jon Sennett speaks about his recent endorsement from the Central Labor Council, Sennett was endorsed by the C.L.C. after all three candidates for D.A. were interviewed. Labor Federation President Tim Riley said Sennett has “a solid track record as a prosecutor and a defense attorney.”

Mr. Sennett also talks about the recent report that Kingston Police Chief Keller has brought fourth which involves a proactive approach to crime that deals with the root causes. Mr. Sennett unlike his Republican opponent has campaigned on this premise since the start of his campaign.


  1. Anonymous11:02 PM

    What is that Bradley's 4th loss or 5th...I lost count.

  2. Anonymous7:21 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Anonymous11:14 AM

    "dis"-honest abe is a coward.

    When I refuted his lame attempts at revisionist history, he banned me.

    Apparently, you can only "say what you mean and mean what you say" if you agree with his distortions.

    By the way, I love the way he's padding his polls...he can't even win a poll on his own blog without manipulating the vote. How pathetic is that?

    "honest" abe? I think not.

  4. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Clint Brown= One vision One love

  5. Clint Brown para el presidente del Mexico. Viva Clint Brown!

  6. Anonymous9:18 PM

    11:14. Try saying something negative about Sennett,Blaber or Sottile on this blog. At least Abe publishes both sides.

    No matter what he says, Blaber picks and chooses and he knows it. I am posting this over on Abes too. So you will have to publish this one Jeremy.

  7. Anonymous11:23 PM

    Clint Brown would be a better D.A, since he smokes cush, he won't try my homeys who get busted with indo.


  8. Anonymous5:26 AM

    Vote on Honest Abe's polls

  9. Anonymous7:13 AM

    "dis"-honest abe is a coward.

    When I refuted his lame attempts at revisionist history, he banned me.

    Apparently, you can only "say what you mean and mean what you say" if you agree with his distortions.

    By the way, I love the way he's padding his polls...he can't even win a poll on his own blog without manipulating the vote. How pathetic is that?

    "honest" abe? I think not.

  10. Anonymous10:12 AM

    11:14: Jeremy posts many negative comments about himself - he has more courage than I would have. And, if you read the posts about the Sennett-Sottile slugfest at Mariner's and the blog about the crime "spurt" (you know, the one where the picture of Sottile looks like he just ate a pile of s--t), you'd know that there are a lot of negative things posted about Sottile. The only reason why Jeremy doesn't post anything negative about Jon Sennett is because there isn't anything negative to say about him.

  11. Anonymous10:15 AM

    hey dis-honest can you claim to be an expert on Kingston when you can't even spell it?

  12. The picture of Sottile is not meant to be 'NEGATIVE' it shows Sottile giving a speech in a serious manner. I thought it would be inappropriate to have a picture of Sottile up smiling (like all the other pictures I have of him) when he is discussing such a serious matter.

    Please Note : I publish comments that are negative about Sottile, Sennett, Woerner, and these are people that I like, I firmly believe in giving people an open forum to express their opinions.

  13. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Anonymous said...

    hey dis-honest can you claim to be an expert on Kingston when you can't even spell it?

    10:15 AM

    So I'm F@#king human and I made a typographical error. Sue me!

    When exactly did I claim to be an expert on anything? You fail to realize that I really don't give a flying F@#k about what you or anyone else thinks. This is nothing but a game to me.
    It is meaningless. However, I refuse to let people like you post BS and get away with it.

  14. Anonymous3:22 PM


  15. Anonymous4:07 PM

    Jeremy - it's not necessarily a "negative" photo of Sottile, it's just not very flattering.

  16. Anonymous7:45 PM

    I disagree with Jeremy on many issues. I 've pointed out that he is anything but impartial. To be fair and honest, he has posted all of my comments.

  17. Anonymous9:43 PM

    Conservative is just a polite term for someone who lacks the intelligence to foresee the consequences of their own actions or the actions of others.

  18. 943, then what's the term Progressive Liberal for? A polite way off describing someone who absolutely despises the American Culture as is stands today, and the past 200 years. And wants to create a Euro-Socialist like culture, where the governments first and only responsibility is redistribution of wealth, all in the name of equality and fairness?

  19. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Hey 11:02 - You Keep counting the only one that count is November!!!

  20. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Wow! Honest Abe has a temper, hasn't he? Did you not have a nap today? But seriously Abe, proofread before you post, and then maybe you'd catch your errors (something Jeremy should learn to do too). It truly undermines one's credibility when someone's contributions read like they're barely out of grammar school. Honest Abe's posts are not that poorly written, and people do make typos - but when someone's posts are fraught with error, it's impossible to take anything they've written seriously. However, back to the topic at hand - Jon Sennett rocks!

  21. Anonymous10:26 PM

    Hey joeyb...there's no such thing as "Progressive Liberal."

    If you mean Progressive: root, "progress" - to move forward.

    If you mean Liberal: to interpret and accept more broadly (as opposed to conservative narrow mindedness).

  22. Anonymous6:28 AM

    honest_abe said...

    "So I'm F@#king human and I made a typographical error. Sue me!

    When exactly did I claim to be an expert on anything? You fail to realize that I really don't give a flying F@#k about what you or anyone else thinks. This is nothing but a game to me."

    Profanity is the last bastion of a simple mind.

    Normally, a typo could be excused, but this typo is the title of your blog!

    Attempting to write a blog, no matter how pathetic that attempt may be, is a tacit claim on your part to be an expert.

    If this is "nothing but a game" to you, I advise you to stick to games more on your intellectual about Chutes And Ladders?

  23. Anonymous6:57 PM

    If one looks hard you can see
    Clint Brown in the back

  24. Anonymous10:13 PM

    hy porty, lets see a poll on the DA race.

  25. Anonymous10:22 PM

    jeremy----- where was your boy----Sennett? Didn't see him at the Soap Box races. I did see alot of Bradley T-Shirts and were was ---------dolly or holly,How about going by his brith name Dave------------- see you in November!!!!!

  26. Jonathan Sennett was absolutely at the Soap Box Races and had a great time, Kingston voters were very receptive to Sennett and his candidacy. As for Bradley and Carnright, I did not see them...not to say they were not in attendance.

  27. Anonymous4:16 AM

    Clint Brown was ghost riding his 64 impala with 26 inch rims in the race. His whip was fly.

    CB Love Child #2

  28. Anonymous12:22 PM

    I saw Vincent Sadley, Jr. arrive after the races were over.


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