
Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Kingston Truth Polls

There is another local blog Kingston Truth that has a variety of different web polls going on now that deal with the Kingston Mayoral race, Ulster D.A. race, Ulster Supervisor race, best blogger, ect. I encourage people to go and vote for their candidate in each race. You can visit the website by clicking ----> Kingston Truth or by entering in your web browser. Note : Kingston is spelled with the t before the s. The polls are located on the left side of the blog. I'm disappointed to see that the Kingston city Judge race was not uploaded...maybe I'll do that one.

I have got a lot of e-mails about who is behind the blog, I have no idea. The blogger does the blog anonymously, which is his right. He calls himself ''Honest Abe", and for the most part the blog postings seem to be fair.


  1. Anonymous7:12 AM

    I have to disagree Jeremy. It's difficult to characterize the publishing of rumors, the constant use of profanity, and banning people who point out your lies, as fair.

    "Honest" abe is anything but...

  2. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Jeremy, I did forget the Gilaptric/Bruhn race. It looks like the primary will be very important in that one. Both men have strong bases.

    I would add that poll but it looks like you have it covered. I also had an error in the link that you corrected. Thanks for the plug and the correction.

  3. I thought his analysis of the D.A.'s race over the last few months was fair. I think 'Honest Abe' was or is a Bradley supporter but gave fair opinions over the last few months. Just look back at some of the posts.

  4. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Hey 7:12, Why do you call me a liar? Where and when did I lie?

    Your opinion of what happened at Mariner's is far different than most peoples opinion. My opinion is the much more widely accepted opinion. Mrs. Sennett was far more aggressive in the exchange. Not Sottile.

    I didn't ban anyone, I just will not post anymore of your posts that call me a liar when I am not lying.

    Since when does cursing have anything at all to do with being fair? I just use bad, sometimes foul language. Sue me!

  5. Anonymous2:35 PM

    The Truck Stops Here.

  6. May I suggest you post this information regarding a new initiative for the city? A collaboration with ReycleBank that could perhaps raise our recycling rate through the roof - and place the city as a footprint city for ReycleBank in Ulster County (which could lead to an enormous amount of good press and attention).

    Here is a list of basic questions and answers for the people to have - in hopes of getting everyone on the same page for a good, productive dialogue:

    Answers to basic questions regarding RecycleBank
    Am I going to have to pay to recycle?

    No. Recycling will remain free to residents and businesses, and will even reduce the tax burden to homeowners and businesses. RecycleBank provides a 64 gallon wheeled recycle bin to each household and business (the program is not adaptable to businesses unless the city collects their recyclables and a business uses the standard wheel cart). This bin and RecycleBank’s services will be paid for by the savings generated through an increased recycling rate offsetting the tipping fees generated through trash removal in Kingston. Simply, less money will be paid for trash and more money will be devoted to increase recycling. Once Kingston begins recycling at 30%, Kingston will save approximately $95,000 per year. This savings is incurred after we have already paid for RecycleBanks services and will be used to reduce the general tax burden.

    Why do I need a new recycling bin?

    Many Kingston residents no longer have the bin provided over 10 years ago by the Ulster County Resource Recovery Agency. These bins were provided when recycling was first mandated. The County does not plan on providing these bins in the future so currently the burden of providing a receptacle falls on the residents. RecycleBank will provide and manage the new 64 gallon bins. If your new bin is damaged or stolen, one phone call to RecycleBank will replace it at no charge.

    Will Kingston DPW continue to pick up my recycling?

    Yes. Kingston DPW will continue to pick up your recycling. They will have their recycling trucks outfitted with a device to weigh and dump the wheeled recycling bins. This will cut down on the number of DPW trucks running in front of your house. Currently, four trucks pass the same house on any garbage day. With single-stream recycling, paper, cans, bottles and cardboard will all go in one bin, and trash in another. This will reduce the number of trucks to two: One Garbage and One Recycling.

    Will RecycleBank provide Education?

    RecycleBank realizes that education and incentives are two of the best ways to increase recycling rates. With Kingston's abysmal 11.65% recycling rate, both are necessary. Not only will RecycleBank provide coupon based incentives to homeowners and local businesses but they also supply Kingston with the educational materials and the personnel support necessary to make this project a success. These incentives will also make for a large local financial impact here in Kingston. In one year, over 3.2 million dollars worth of incentives would be given out to Kingston residents to be spent locally.
    Why not just increase Recycling Enforcement?
    Kingston's Department of Public Works currently employs one full-time Sanitary Code Enforcement Officer. This position enforces all sanitary codes, which does include recycling. Currently, Kingston does not have the ability to track who is recycling and who is not. RecycleBank will be able to provide the enforcement officer with spreadsheets of what households are and are not recycling. This will provide an easier method of tracking recycling offenders and pursuing targeted education and enforcement actions.

    How should I be recycling now, and how will it change if RecycleBank is implemented?

    As things stand currently, residents should mingle metal cans/tins, plastics (#1-7) and glass bottles together in one container. Residents should continue to keep paper (office, junk mail, etc.) and newspaper together in a bin. Cardboard should be flattened and bundled and smaller pieces of cardboard (cereal boxes, etc.) can be put in a brown paper bag.If ReycleBank were implemented, these materials would all go into one bin (see above) provided by RecycleBank.

    Will I be able to use coupons at local businesses?

    RecycleBank has developed relationships with many national chains, however, it will actively work on recruiting local "mom and pop" stores. By working with local stores, financial incentives stay local and help build the local economy. It is also a great way for local businesses to advertise on RecycleBank’s website and through their promotional material.

    Where will the recycling go?

    Currently, the City of Kingston sends it’s recycling to the Ulster County Resource Recovery Agency. UCRRA currently accepts recycling in a dual stream, which separates paper and bottles/ cans. The cities in Ulster County and RecycleBank should encourage agencies like UCRRA to upgrade their equipment to single stream as it is more efficient and is becoming the industry standard. The City of Kingston will not bear the burden of upgrading this equipment. In the coming month's Kingston will work with UCRRA, RecycleBank and its partners to determine which disposal methods will be utilized, where this material will go and how it will be financed.

    Julie and Steve Noble
    Environmental Educators
    Forsyth Nature Center
    City of Kingston Parks and Recreation
    467 Broadway
    Kingston, NY 12401
    845-331-1682, ext 132

  7. Anonymous10:45 PM

    Oh my my, what would the real Abraham Lincoln think about Kingston's own Internet anonymous 'Honest Abe' plagiarizing on his likeness?

    Forsooth, our 16th president held the nation together in spite of great difficulties incurred in the process. With the civil war costing the Union two millions dollars per day...a princely sum in those days...the treasury was literally bankrupt with income and nuisance taxes being introduced for the first time to finance the war. With double digit inflation running rampart in the early 1860's, this made matters even worse

    Lincoln endured opposition from the democrats as well as radical factions within his own party but he never lost sight of the fact that the main goal was to preserve the United States of America at all costs. When the war was over with the defeat of Lee's Confederate Army of Northern Virginia, his terms of reconciliation with the South were generous without malice.

    I accept no allegory substitutes only the real thing!!

  8. Anonymous2:09 PM

    says his blog is


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